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Managing HTC-Grid after deployment

Managing the HTC-Grid agent

  1. Make connection with EKS, go in the deployment/grid/terraform folder where terraform apply has been run. Then make sure that KUBECONFIG is set (see step 6).
  2. Set up the storage for helm

    export HELM_DRIVER=configmap

  3. Deploy the agent

    helm install <your release name> ../charts/agent-htc-lambda --set fullnameOverride=htc-agent
  4. Test the installation by running

    helm test <your release name>
  5. Delete the agent

    helm uninstall <your release name>
  6. Get deployed pods ( see notes after agent deployment )

  7. Get the log of a pod: ( see notes after agent deployment )
  8. Describe the state of a pod , useful for debugging situation never run, (see notes after agent deployment)
  9. Execute a command into a pod

    kubectl exec  <pod name> -c <container name> <command>
  10. Open an interactive session into a pod

    kubectl exec -it <pod name> bash
  11. Get config-map used in the pods, i.e., current configuration

    kubectl get cm agent-configmap -o yaml
  12. Get information about the pod autoscaler

    kubectl get hpa
    kubectl get hpa -w
  13. Updating number of replicas (my_cluster is your release name that you selected with helm)

helm upgrade --set replicaCount=5 --set foo=newbar my_cluster ./agent-htc-lambda

Common commands

  • Get logs from a running agent and lambda worker

    kubectl logs -c <agent or lambda> <pod name>
    kubectl logs -c agent htc-agent-544bd95456-wgzqs
    kubectl logs -c lambda htc-agent-544bd95456-wgzqs
  • Launching Tests

    cd root/examples/submissions/k8s_jobs
    kubectl apply -f <test-name.yaml>
    kubectl apply -f scaling-test.yaml
    Follow the execution of the test
    kubectl logs job/scaling-test -f
  • Deleting all running pods

    kubectl delete $(kubectl get po -o name)