For the foundation, you may use an existing foundation. You must have defined the following:
If the above is defined, then you can populate the manifest with these values, removing the need to deploy a separate foundation.
There are two methods to deploy the foundation:
The Orbit Workbench leverages manifests to define parameters. For the foundation, we will use a
subset of the manifest as defined below. The ONLY required field is Name, all others are either set with a default or are None.
NOTE: the Name field is NOT the same as the Orbit Workbench Name!!
Name: <name>
InternetAccessible: true #Optional - defaults to true
SslCertArn: <ARN of CERT> #Optional
CustomDomainName: <DOMAIN NAME> #Optional
MaxAvailabilityZones: 2 #Optional - defaults to 2
Here is an example of a valid foundation template named foundation_manifest.yaml:
Name: fdn
InternetAccessible: true
orbit deploy foundation -f foundation_manifest.yaml
There are parameters that you can pass in without needing a manifest:
-n, --name TEXT The Name of the Orbit Foundation deployment
--ssl-cert-arn TEXT SSL Certificate to integrate the ALB with.
--custom-domain-name TEXT The Custom Domain Name to associate the
orbit framework with
--internet-accessibility / --no-internet-accessibility
Configure for deployment to Private
(internet accessibility) or Isolated (no
internet accessibility) subnets. [default:
--max-availability-zones INTEGER
The maximum number of Availability Zones to
attempt to deploy in the VPC [default: 2]
orbit deploy foundation -n <name_of_foundation> --custom-domain-name <something> \
--internet-accessibility --max-availability-zones <int>
orbit destroy foundation -n <name_of_foundation>