This step will compile and deploy the docker images required to support the workbench. The images provided are:
The first time you deploy a new Orbit Environment, the following command MUST be run
orbit deploy images -f <manifest.yaml>
On subsequent runs, you can build one of the images directly by passing in the case-sensitve name of the image to rebuild it.
orbit deploy images -f <manifest.yaml> -i jupyter-user
-f, --filename TEXT The target Orbit Workbench manifest file (yaml).
-i, --image TEXT The name of ONE image to build- MUST match dir in
'images/', else ALL built
--debug / --no-debug Enable detailed logging. [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
orbit destroy images -e <env-name>
-e, --env TEXT Environment name is required [required]
--debug / --no-debug Enable detailed logging. [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.