Releases and Versioning

Familiarize yourself with Kubeflow on AWS release cadences and version naming conventions

Kubeflow on AWS releases are built on top of open source Kubeflow releases and therefore use the following naming convention: {KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION}-aws-b{BUILD_NUMBER}.

  • Ex: Kubeflow v1.3.1 on AWS version 1.0.0 will have the version v1.3.1-aws-b1.0.0.

KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION refers to Kubeflow’s released version and BUILD_NUMBER refers to the AWS build for that Kubeflow version. BUILD_NUMBER uses semantic versioning (SemVer) to indicate whether changes included in a particular release introduce features or bug fixes and whether or not features break backwards compatibility.

When a version of Kubeflow on AWS is released, a Git tag with the naming convention {KUBEFLOW_RELEASE_VERSION}-aws-b{BUILD_NUMBER} is created. These releases can be found in the Kubeflow on AWS repository releases section.


Note: Documentation for Kubeflow on AWS v.1.3 can be found on the Kubeflow website.

Although the distribution manifests are hosted in the Kubeflow on AWS repository, many of the overlays and configuration files in this repository have a dependency on the manifests published by the Kubeflow community in the kubeflow/manifests repository. Hence, the AWS distribution of Kubeflow for v1.3.1 was developed on a fork of the v1.3-branch of the kubeflow/manifests repository. This presented several challenges for ongoing maintenance as described in Issue #76.


Starting with Kubeflow v1.4, the development of the AWS distribution of Kubeflow is done on the main branch. The main branch contains only the delta from the released manifests in the kubeflow/manifests repository and additional components required for the AWS distribution.

Last modified January 7, 2023: docsearch backport 1.5 (#535) (8c282f1)