Network Configuration. Used to define a network configuration for the accelerator.


  • NetworkConfig



  • Parameters

    • Optional values: {
          accountVpcEndpointIds: undefined | {};
          accountVpcIds: undefined | {};
          centralNetworkServices: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; gatewayLoadBalancers: { name: string; endpoints: { name: string; account: string; subnet: string; vpc: string; }[]; subnets: string[]; vpc: string; account: string | undefined; crossZoneLoadBalancing: boolean | undefined; deletionProtection: boolean | undefined; targetGroup: string |...);
          certificates: undefined | ({ name: string; type: "request" | "import"; privKey: string | undefined; cert: string | undefined; chain: string | undefined; validation: "EMAIL" | "DNS" | undefined; domain: string | undefined; san: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { ...; }; })[];
          customerGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; ipAddress: string; asn: number; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; vpnConnections: { name: string; amazonIpv4NetworkCidr: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; })[];
          defaultVpc: { delete: boolean; excludeAccounts: string[] | undefined; excludeRegions: string[] | undefined; };
          dhcpOptions: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[]; regions: string[]; domainName: string | undefined; domainNameServers: string[] | undefined; netbiosNameServers: string[] | undefined; netbiosNodeType: 2 | ... 3 more ... | undefined; ntpServers: string[] | undefined; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          directConnectGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; asn: number; gatewayName: string; virtualInterfaces: { name: string; connectionId: string; customerAsn: number; interfaceName: string; ownerAccount: string; region: string; ... 7 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; transitGatewayAssociations: { ...; }[] | undefin...)[];
          elbAccountIds: undefined | ({ region: string; accountId: string; })[];
          endpointPolicies: ({ name: string; document: string; })[];
          firewallManagerService: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; notificationChannels: { snsTopic: string; region: string; }[] | undefined; });
          prefixLists: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[] | undefined; regions: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; } | undefined; addressFamily: "IPv4" | "IPv6"; maxEntries: numb...)[];
          transitGatewayPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; requester: { transitGatewayName: string; account: string; region: string; routeTableAssociations: string; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; }; accepter: { transitGatewayName: string; ... 4 more ...; applyTags: boolean | undefined; }; })[];
          transitGateways: ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; shareTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; } | undefined; asn: number; dnsSupport: "enable" | "disable"; ... 5 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcFlowLogs: undefined | ({ trafficType: "ALL" | "ACCEPT" | "REJECT"; maxAggregationInterval: number; destinations: ("s3" | "cloud-watch-logs")[]; destinationsConfig: { s3: { lifecycleRules: { abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; prefix: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; overrideS3LogPath: string | undefined...);
          vpcPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; vpcs: string[]; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcTemplates: undefined | ({ name: string; region: string; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 24 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
          vpcs: ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; cidrs: string[] | undefined; defaultSecurityGroupRulesDeletion: boolean | undefined; dhcpOptions: string | undefined; dnsFirewallRuleGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; ... 21 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[];
      • accountVpcEndpointIds: undefined | {}
      • accountVpcIds: undefined | {}
      • centralNetworkServices: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; gatewayLoadBalancers: { name: string; endpoints: { name: string; account: string; subnet: string; vpc: string; }[]; subnets: string[]; vpc: string; account: string | undefined; crossZoneLoadBalancing: boolean | undefined; deletionProtection: boolean | undefined; targetGroup: string |...)
      • certificates: undefined | ({ name: string; type: "request" | "import"; privKey: string | undefined; cert: string | undefined; chain: string | undefined; validation: "EMAIL" | "DNS" | undefined; domain: string | undefined; san: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { ...; }; })[]
      • customerGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; ipAddress: string; asn: number; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; vpnConnections: { name: string; amazonIpv4NetworkCidr: string | undefined; ... 8 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • defaultVpc: { delete: boolean; excludeAccounts: string[] | undefined; excludeRegions: string[] | undefined; }
      • dhcpOptions: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[]; regions: string[]; domainName: string | undefined; domainNameServers: string[] | undefined; netbiosNameServers: string[] | undefined; netbiosNodeType: 2 | ... 3 more ... | undefined; ntpServers: string[] | undefined; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • directConnectGateways: undefined | ({ name: string; account: string; asn: number; gatewayName: string; virtualInterfaces: { name: string; connectionId: string; customerAsn: number; interfaceName: string; ownerAccount: string; region: string; ... 7 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; }[] | undefined; transitGatewayAssociations: { ...; }[] | undefin...)[]
      • elbAccountIds: undefined | ({ region: string; accountId: string; })[]
      • endpointPolicies: ({ name: string; document: string; })[]
      • firewallManagerService: undefined | ({ delegatedAdminAccount: string; notificationChannels: { snsTopic: string; region: string; }[] | undefined; })
      • prefixLists: undefined | ({ name: string; accounts: string[] | undefined; regions: string[] | undefined; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; } | undefined; addressFamily: "IPv4" | "IPv6"; maxEntries: numb...)[]
      • transitGatewayPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; requester: { transitGatewayName: string; account: string; region: string; routeTableAssociations: string; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; }; accepter: { transitGatewayName: string; ... 4 more ...; applyTags: boolean | undefined; }; })[]
      • transitGateways: ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; shareTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; } | undefined; asn: number; dnsSupport: "enable" | "disable"; ... 5 more ...; tags: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcFlowLogs: undefined | ({ trafficType: "ALL" | "ACCEPT" | "REJECT"; maxAggregationInterval: number; destinations: ("s3" | "cloud-watch-logs")[]; destinationsConfig: { s3: { lifecycleRules: { abortIncompleteMultipartUpload: number | undefined; ... 7 more ...; prefix: string | undefined; }[] | undefined; overrideS3LogPath: string | undefined...)
      • vpcPeering: undefined | ({ name: string; vpcs: string[]; tags: { key: string; value: string; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcTemplates: undefined | ({ name: string; region: string; deploymentTargets: { organizationalUnits: string[] | undefined; accounts: string[] | undefined; excludedRegions: string[] | undefined; excludedAccounts: string[] | undefined; }; ... 24 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]
      • vpcs: ({ name: string; account: string; region: string; cidrs: string[] | undefined; defaultSecurityGroupRulesDeletion: boolean | undefined; dhcpOptions: string | undefined; dnsFirewallRuleGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; ... 21 more ...; targetGroups: { ...; }[] | undefined; })[]

    Returns NetworkConfig


accountVpcEndpointIds: undefined | Record<string, string[]> = undefined

A map between account Id and all the VPC Endpoint IDs in the account.

Currently, the dynamic values will only be loaded in FinalizeStack for SCP finalization. Only the account VPC Endpoints referred by ACCEL_LOOKUP in SCPs will be loaded.

accountVpcIds: undefined | Record<string, string[]> = undefined

A map between account Id and all the VPC IDs in the account.

Currently, the dynamic values will only be loaded in FinalizeStack for SCP finalization. Only the account VPCs referred in SCPs by ACCEL_LOOKUP will be loaded.

centralNetworkServices: undefined | CentralNetworkServicesConfig = undefined

An optional Central Network services configuration.



certificates: undefined | CertificateConfig[] = undefined

Certificate manager configuration

customerGateways: undefined | CustomerGatewayConfig[] = undefined

An array of Customer Gateway configurations.



defaultVpc: DefaultVpcsConfig = ...

A default VPC configuration.



dhcpOptions: undefined | DhcpOptsConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of DHCP options set configurations.



directConnectGateways: undefined | DxGatewayConfig[] = undefined

An optional array of Direct Connect Gateway configurations.


- name: Accelerator-DXGW
account: Network
asn: 64512
virtualInterfaces: []
transitGatewayAssociations: []



elbAccountIds: undefined | ElbAccountIdsConfig[] = undefined

An optional ELB root account ID

endpointPolicies: EndpointPolicyConfig[] = []

A list of VPC configurations. An array of VPC endpoint policies.



firewallManagerService: undefined | FirewallManagerConfig = undefined

Firewall manager service configuration

prefixLists: undefined | PrefixListConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of prefix list set configurations.

transitGatewayPeering: undefined | TransitGatewayPeeringConfig[] = undefined

Transit Gateway peering configuration.



transitGateways: TransitGatewayConfig[] = []

An array of Transit Gateway configurations.



vpcFlowLogs: undefined | VpcFlowLogsConfig = undefined

A VPC flow logs configuration.



vpcPeering: undefined | VpcPeeringConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of VPC peering configurations



vpcTemplates: undefined | VpcTemplatesConfig[] = undefined

An optional list of VPC template configurations



vpcs: VpcConfig[] = []

An array of VPC configurations.



FILENAME: "network-config.yaml" = 'network-config.yaml'

The name of the network configuration file.


  • Function to get list of account names which will be used as account principal for TGE peering role



    • accepterAccountName: string

    Returns string[]

  • Load from string content


    • content: string

    Returns undefined | NetworkConfig

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