Minimal Configuration
Configurations for LISA are split into 2 configuration files, base and custom. The base configuration contains the recommended properties that can be overridden with the custom properties file. The custom configuration should contain the minimal properties required to deploy LISA, and any optional properties or overrides. This file should be created at the root of your project (./config-custom.yaml) and needs to contain the following properties:
LISA Configuration Schema
Raw application configuration schema.
Object containing the following properties:
Property | Description | Type | Default |
appName | Name of the application. | string | 'lisa' |
profile | AWS CLI profile for deployment. | string (nullable) | |
deploymentName | Name of the deployment. | string | 'prod' |
accountNumber (*) | AWS account number for deployment. Must be 12 digits. | number | string | |
region (*) | AWS region for deployment. | string | |
partition | AWS partition for deployment. | string | 'aws' |
domain | AWS domain for deployment | string | '' |
restApiConfig (*) | Configuration schema for REST API. | Object with properties:
| |
vpcId | VPC ID for the application. (e.g. vpc-0123456789abcdef) | string | |
subnets | Array of subnet objects for the application. These contain a subnetId(e.g. [subnet-fedcba9876543210] and ipv4CidrBlock | Array of objects:
| |
securityGroupConfig | Security Group Overrides used across stacks. | Object with properties:
| |
deploymentStage | Deployment stage for the application. | string | 'prod' |
removalPolicy | Removal policy for resources (destroy or retain). | 'destroy' | 'retain' | 'destroy' |
runCdkNag | Whether to run CDK Nag checks. | boolean | false |
privateEndpoints | Whether to use privateEndpoints for REST API. | boolean | false |
s3BucketModels (*) | S3 bucket for models. | string | |
mountS3DebUrl (*) | URL for S3-mounted Debian package. | string | |
accountNumbersEcr | List of AWS account numbers for ECR repositories. | Array<number | string> | |
deployRag | Whether to deploy RAG stacks. | boolean | true |
deployChat | Whether to deploy chat stacks. | boolean | true |
deployDocs | Whether to deploy docs stacks. | boolean | true |
deployUi | Whether to deploy UI stacks. | boolean | true |
logLevel | Log level for application. | 'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARNING' | 'ERROR' | 'DEBUG' |
authConfig | Authorization configuration. | Object with properties:
| |
roles | Role overrides used across stacks. | Object with properties:
| |
pypiConfig | Pypi configuration. | Object with properties:
| {"indexUrl":"","trustedHost":""} |
condaUrl | Conda URL configuration | string | '' |
certificateAuthorityBundle | Certificate Authority Bundle file | string | '' |
ragRepositories | Rag Repository configuration. | Array of objects:
| [] |
ragFileProcessingConfig | Rag file processing configuration. | Object with properties:
| |
ecsModels | Array of ECS model configurations. | Array of objects:
| |
apiGatewayConfig | Configuration schema for API Gateway Endpoint | Object with properties:
| |
nvmeHostMountPath | Host path for NVMe drives. | string | '/nvme' |
nvmeContainerMountPath | Container path for NVMe drives. | string | '/nvme' |
tags | Array of key-value pairs for tagging. | Array of objects:
| |
deploymentPrefix | Prefix for deployment resources. | string | |
webAppAssetsPath | Optional path to precompiled webapp assets. If not specified the web application will be built at deploy time. | string | |
lambdaLayerAssets | Configuration for local Lambda layer code | Object with properties:
| |
permissionsBoundaryAspect | Aspect CDK injector for permissions. Ref: | Object with properties:
| |
stackSynthesizer | Set the stack synthesize type. Ref: | Native enum:
| |
litellmConfig (*) | Core LiteLLM configuration - see for more details about each field. | Object with properties:
| |
convertInlinePoliciesToManaged | Convert inline policies to managed policies | boolean | false |
(*) Required.
Object containing the following properties:
Property | Description | Type | Default |
appName | Name of the application. | string | 'lisa' |
profile | AWS CLI profile for deployment. | string (nullable) | |
deploymentName | Name of the deployment. | string | 'prod' |
accountNumber | AWS account number for deployment. Must be 12 digits. | number | string | |
region | AWS region for deployment. | string | |
partition | AWS partition for deployment. | string | 'aws' |
domain | AWS domain for deployment | string | '' |
restApiConfig | Configuration schema for REST API. | Object with properties:
| |
vpcId | VPC ID for the application. (e.g. vpc-0123456789abcdef) | string | |
subnets | Array of subnet objects for the application. These contain a subnetId(e.g. [subnet-fedcba9876543210] and ipv4CidrBlock | Array of objects:
| |
securityGroupConfig | Security Group Overrides used across stacks. | Object with properties:
| |
deploymentStage | Deployment stage for the application. | string | 'prod' |
removalPolicy | Removal policy for resources (destroy or retain). | 'destroy' | 'retain' | 'destroy' |
runCdkNag | Whether to run CDK Nag checks. | boolean | false |
privateEndpoints | Whether to use privateEndpoints for REST API. | boolean | false |
s3BucketModels | S3 bucket for models. | string | |
mountS3DebUrl | URL for S3-mounted Debian package. | string | |
accountNumbersEcr | List of AWS account numbers for ECR repositories. | Array<number | string> | |
deployRag | Whether to deploy RAG stacks. | boolean | true |
deployChat | Whether to deploy chat stacks. | boolean | true |
deployDocs | Whether to deploy docs stacks. | boolean | true |
deployUi | Whether to deploy UI stacks. | boolean | true |
logLevel | Log level for application. | 'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARNING' | 'ERROR' | 'DEBUG' |
authConfig | Authorization configuration. | Object with properties:
| |
roles | Role overrides used across stacks. | Object with properties:
| |
pypiConfig | Pypi configuration. | Object with properties:
| {"indexUrl":"","trustedHost":""} |
condaUrl | Conda URL configuration | string | '' |
certificateAuthorityBundle | Certificate Authority Bundle file | string | '' |
ragRepositories | Rag Repository configuration. | Array of objects:
| [] |
ragFileProcessingConfig | Rag file processing configuration. | Object with properties:
| |
ecsModels | Array of ECS model configurations. | Array of objects:
| |
apiGatewayConfig | Configuration schema for API Gateway Endpoint | Object with properties:
| |
nvmeHostMountPath | Host path for NVMe drives. | string | '/nvme' |
nvmeContainerMountPath | Container path for NVMe drives. | string | '/nvme' |
tags | Array of key-value pairs for tagging. | Array of objects:
| |
deploymentPrefix | Prefix for deployment resources. | string | |
webAppAssetsPath | Optional path to precompiled webapp assets. If not specified the web application will be built at deploy time. | string | |
lambdaLayerAssets | Configuration for local Lambda layer code | Object with properties:
| |
permissionsBoundaryAspect | Aspect CDK injector for permissions. Ref: | Object with properties:
| |
stackSynthesizer | Set the stack synthesize type. Ref: | Native enum:
| |
litellmConfig | Core LiteLLM configuration - see for more details about each field. | Object with properties:
| |
convertInlinePoliciesToManaged | Convert inline policies to managed policies | boolean | false |
All properties are optional.