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Minimal Configuration

Configurations for LISA are split into 2 configuration files, base and custom. The base configuration contains the recommended properties that can be overridden with the custom properties file. The custom configuration should contain the minimal properties required to deploy LISA, and any optional properties or overrides. This file should be created at the root of your project (./config-custom.yaml) and needs to contain the following properties:


LISA Configuration Schema


Raw application configuration schema.

Object containing the following properties:

appNameName of the application.string'lisa'
profileAWS CLI profile for deployment.string (nullable)
deploymentNameName of the deployment.string'prod'
accountNumber (*)AWS account number for deployment. Must be 12 digits.number | string
region (*)AWS region for deployment.string
partitionAWS partition for deployment.string'aws'
domainAWS domain for deploymentstring''
restApiConfig (*)Configuration schema for REST API.Object with properties:
  • internetFacing: boolean - Whether the REST API ALB will be configured as internet facing.
  • domainName: string (nullable)
  • sslCertIamArn: string (nullable) - ARN of the self-signed cert to be used throughout the system
  • rdsConfig: Object with properties:
    • username: string - The username used for database connection.
    • passwordSecretId: string - The SecretsManager Secret ID that stores the existing database password.
    • dbHost: string - The database hostname for the existing database instance.
    • dbName: string - The name of the database for the database instance.
    • dbPort: number - The port of the existing database instance or the port to be opened on the database instance.
vpcIdVPC ID for the application. (e.g. vpc-0123456789abcdef)string
subnetsArray of subnet objects for the application. These contain a subnetId(e.g. [subnet-fedcba9876543210] and ipv4CidrBlockArray of objects:
  • subnetId: string (startsWith: subnet-)
  • ipv4CidrBlock: string
securityGroupConfigSecurity Group Overrides used across stacks.Object with properties:
  • modelSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • restAlbSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • lambdaSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • liteLlmDbSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • openSearchSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • pgVectorSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
deploymentStageDeployment stage for the application.string'prod'
removalPolicyRemoval policy for resources (destroy or retain).'destroy' | 'retain''destroy'
runCdkNagWhether to run CDK Nag checks.booleanfalse
privateEndpointsWhether to use privateEndpoints for REST API.booleanfalse
s3BucketModels (*)S3 bucket for models.string
mountS3DebUrl (*)URL for S3-mounted Debian package.string
accountNumbersEcrList of AWS account numbers for ECR repositories.Array<number | string>
deployRagWhether to deploy RAG stacks.booleantrue
deployChatWhether to deploy chat stacks.booleantrue
deployDocsWhether to deploy docs stacks.booleantrue
deployUiWhether to deploy UI stacks.booleantrue
logLevelLog level for application.'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARNING' | 'ERROR''DEBUG'
authConfigAuthorization configuration.Object with properties:
  • authority: string - URL of OIDC authority.
  • clientId: string - Client ID for OIDC IDP .
  • adminGroup: string - Name of the admin group.
  • jwtGroupsProperty: string - Name of the JWT groups property.
  • additionalScopes: Array<string> - Additional JWT scopes to request.
rolesRole overrides used across stacks.Object with properties:
  • DockerImageBuilderDeploymentRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DockerImageBuilderEC2Role: string (max length: 64)
  • DockerImageBuilderRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DocsRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DocsDeployerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSModelDeployerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSModelTaskRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSRestApiRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSRestApiExRole: string (max length: 64)
  • LambdaExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • LambdaConfigurationApiExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelApiRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelsSfnLambdaRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelSfnRole: string (max length: 64)
  • RagLambdaExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • RestApiAuthorizerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • S3ReaderRole: string (max length: 64)
  • UIDeploymentRole: string (max length: 64)
  • VectorStoreCreatorRole: string (max length: 64)
pypiConfigPypi configuration.Object with properties:
  • indexUrl: string - URL for the pypi index.
  • trustedHost: string - Trusted host for pypi.
condaUrlConda URL configurationstring''
certificateAuthorityBundleCertificate Authority Bundle filestring''
ragRepositoriesRag Repository configuration.Array of objects:
  • repositoryId: string (min length: 1, regex: /^[a-z0-9-]{1,63}/, regex: /^(?!-).*(?<!-)$/) - A unique identifier for the repository, used in API calls and the UI. It must be distinct across all repositories.
  • repositoryName: string - The user-friendly name displayed in the UI.
  • type: Native enum:
    • OPENSEARCH = 'opensearch'
    • PGVECTOR = 'pgvector'
    - The vector store designated for this repository.
  • opensearchConfig: Object with properties:
    • endpoint: string (min length: 1) - Existing OpenSearch Cluster endpoint
    or Object with properties:
    • dataNodes: number (≥1) - The number of data nodes (instances) to use in the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
    • dataNodeInstanceType: string - The instance type for your data nodes
    • masterNodes: number (≥0) - The number of instances to use for the master node
    • masterNodeInstanceType: string - The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master node
    • volumeSize: number (≥20) - The size (in GiB) of the EBS volume for each data node. The minimum and maximum size of an EBS volume depends on the EBS volume type and the instance type to which it is attached.
    • volumeType: Native enum:
      • STANDARD = 'standard'
      • IO1 = 'io1'
      • IO2 = 'io2'
      • GP2 = 'gp2'
      • GP3 = 'gp3'
      • ST1 = 'st1'
      • SC1 = 'sc1'
      • GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD = 'gp2'
      • GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD_GP3 = 'gp3'
      • PROVISIONED_IOPS_SSD = 'io1'
      • PROVISIONED_IOPS_SSD_IO2 = 'io2'
      • COLD_HDD = 'sc1'
      • MAGNETIC = 'standard'
      - The EBS volume type to use with the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain
    • multiAzWithStandby: boolean - Indicates whether Multi-AZ with Standby deployment option is enabled.
  • rdsConfig: Object with properties:
    • username: string - The username used for database connection.
    • passwordSecretId: string - The SecretsManager Secret ID that stores the existing database password.
    • dbHost: string - The database hostname for the existing database instance.
    • dbName: string - The name of the database for the database instance.
    • dbPort: number - The port of the existing database instance or the port to be opened on the database instance.
    - Configuration schema for RDS Instances needed for LiteLLM scaling or PGVector RAG operations.

    The optional fields can be omitted to create a new database instance, otherwise fill in all fields to use an existing database instance.
  • pipelines: Array of objects:
    • chunkSize: number - The size of the chunks used for document segmentation.
    • chunkOverlap: number - The size of the overlap between chunks.
    • embeddingModel: string - The embedding model used for document ingestion in this pipeline.
    • s3Bucket: string - The S3 bucket monitored by this pipeline for document processing.
    • s3Prefix: string - The prefix within the S3 bucket monitored for document processing.
    • trigger: 'daily' | 'event' - The event type that triggers document ingestion.
    • autoRemove: boolean - Enable removal of document from vector store when deleted from S3. This will also remove the file from S3 if file is deleted from vector store through API/UI.
    - Rag ingestion pipeline for automated inclusion into a vector store from S3
  • allowedGroups: Array<string (_min length: 1_)> - The groups provided by the Identity Provider that have access to this repository. If no groups are specified, access is granted to everyone.
ragFileProcessingConfigRag file processing configuration.Object with properties:
  • chunkSize: number (≥100, ≤10000)
  • chunkOverlap: number (≥0)
ecsModelsArray of ECS model configurations.Array of objects:
  • modelName: string - Name of the model.
  • baseImage: string - Base image for the container.
  • inferenceContainer: 'tgi' | 'tei' | 'instructor' | 'vllm' - Prebuilt inference container for serving model.
apiGatewayConfigConfiguration schema for API Gateway EndpointObject with properties:
  • domainName: string (nullable) - Custom domain name for API Gateway Endpoint
nvmeHostMountPathHost path for NVMe drives.string'/nvme'
nvmeContainerMountPathContainer path for NVMe drives.string'/nvme'
tagsArray of key-value pairs for tagging.Array of objects:
  • Key: string
  • Value: string
deploymentPrefixPrefix for deployment resources.string
webAppAssetsPathOptional path to precompiled webapp assets. If not specified the web application will be built at deploy time.string
lambdaLayerAssetsConfiguration for local Lambda layer codeObject with properties:
  • authorizerLayerPath: string - Lambda Authorizer code path
  • commonLayerPath: string - Lambda common layer code path
  • fastapiLayerPath: string - Lambda API code path
  • ragLayerPath: string - Lambda RAG layer code path
  • sdkLayerPath: string - Lambda SDK layer code path
permissionsBoundaryAspectAspect CDK injector for permissions. Ref: with properties:
  • permissionsBoundaryPolicyName: string
  • rolePrefix: string (max length: 20)
  • policyPrefix: string (max length: 20)
  • instanceProfilePrefix: string
stackSynthesizerSet the stack synthesize type. Ref: enum:
  • CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer = 'CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer'
  • DefaultStackSynthesizer = 'DefaultStackSynthesizer'
  • LegacyStackSynthesizer = 'LegacyStackSynthesizer'
litellmConfig (*)Core LiteLLM configuration - see for more details about each field.Object with properties:
  • db_key: string
  • general_settings: any (nullable)
  • litellm_settings: any (nullable)
  • router_settings: any (nullable)
  • environment_variables: any (nullable)
convertInlinePoliciesToManagedConvert inline policies to managed policiesbooleanfalse

(*) Required.


Object containing the following properties:

appNameName of the application.string'lisa'
profileAWS CLI profile for deployment.string (nullable)
deploymentNameName of the deployment.string'prod'
accountNumberAWS account number for deployment. Must be 12 digits.number | string
regionAWS region for deployment.string
partitionAWS partition for deployment.string'aws'
domainAWS domain for deploymentstring''
restApiConfigConfiguration schema for REST API.Object with properties:
  • internetFacing: boolean - Whether the REST API ALB will be configured as internet facing.
  • domainName: string (nullable)
  • sslCertIamArn: string (nullable) - ARN of the self-signed cert to be used throughout the system
  • rdsConfig: Object with properties:
    • username: string - The username used for database connection.
    • passwordSecretId: string - The SecretsManager Secret ID that stores the existing database password.
    • dbHost: string - The database hostname for the existing database instance.
    • dbName: string - The name of the database for the database instance.
    • dbPort: number - The port of the existing database instance or the port to be opened on the database instance.
vpcIdVPC ID for the application. (e.g. vpc-0123456789abcdef)string
subnetsArray of subnet objects for the application. These contain a subnetId(e.g. [subnet-fedcba9876543210] and ipv4CidrBlockArray of objects:
  • subnetId: string (startsWith: subnet-)
  • ipv4CidrBlock: string
securityGroupConfigSecurity Group Overrides used across stacks.Object with properties:
  • modelSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • restAlbSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • lambdaSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • liteLlmDbSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • openSearchSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
  • pgVectorSecurityGroupId: string (startsWith: sg-)
deploymentStageDeployment stage for the application.string'prod'
removalPolicyRemoval policy for resources (destroy or retain).'destroy' | 'retain''destroy'
runCdkNagWhether to run CDK Nag checks.booleanfalse
privateEndpointsWhether to use privateEndpoints for REST API.booleanfalse
s3BucketModelsS3 bucket for models.string
mountS3DebUrlURL for S3-mounted Debian package.string
accountNumbersEcrList of AWS account numbers for ECR repositories.Array<number | string>
deployRagWhether to deploy RAG stacks.booleantrue
deployChatWhether to deploy chat stacks.booleantrue
deployDocsWhether to deploy docs stacks.booleantrue
deployUiWhether to deploy UI stacks.booleantrue
logLevelLog level for application.'DEBUG' | 'INFO' | 'WARNING' | 'ERROR''DEBUG'
authConfigAuthorization configuration.Object with properties:
  • authority: string - URL of OIDC authority.
  • clientId: string - Client ID for OIDC IDP .
  • adminGroup: string - Name of the admin group.
  • jwtGroupsProperty: string - Name of the JWT groups property.
  • additionalScopes: Array<string> - Additional JWT scopes to request.
rolesRole overrides used across stacks.Object with properties:
  • DockerImageBuilderDeploymentRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DockerImageBuilderEC2Role: string (max length: 64)
  • DockerImageBuilderRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DocsRole: string (max length: 64)
  • DocsDeployerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSModelDeployerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSModelTaskRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSRestApiRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ECSRestApiExRole: string (max length: 64)
  • LambdaExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • LambdaConfigurationApiExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelApiRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelsSfnLambdaRole: string (max length: 64)
  • ModelSfnRole: string (max length: 64)
  • RagLambdaExecutionRole: string (max length: 64)
  • RestApiAuthorizerRole: string (max length: 64)
  • S3ReaderRole: string (max length: 64)
  • UIDeploymentRole: string (max length: 64)
  • VectorStoreCreatorRole: string (max length: 64)
pypiConfigPypi configuration.Object with properties:
  • indexUrl: string - URL for the pypi index.
  • trustedHost: string - Trusted host for pypi.
condaUrlConda URL configurationstring''
certificateAuthorityBundleCertificate Authority Bundle filestring''
ragRepositoriesRag Repository configuration.Array of objects:
  • repositoryId: string (min length: 1, regex: /^[a-z0-9-]{1,63}/, regex: /^(?!-).*(?<!-)$/) - A unique identifier for the repository, used in API calls and the UI. It must be distinct across all repositories.
  • repositoryName: string - The user-friendly name displayed in the UI.
  • type: Native enum:
    • OPENSEARCH = 'opensearch'
    • PGVECTOR = 'pgvector'
    - The vector store designated for this repository.
  • opensearchConfig: Object with properties:
    • endpoint: string (min length: 1) - Existing OpenSearch Cluster endpoint
    or Object with properties:
    • dataNodes: number (≥1) - The number of data nodes (instances) to use in the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.
    • dataNodeInstanceType: string - The instance type for your data nodes
    • masterNodes: number (≥0) - The number of instances to use for the master node
    • masterNodeInstanceType: string - The hardware configuration of the computer that hosts the dedicated master node
    • volumeSize: number (≥20) - The size (in GiB) of the EBS volume for each data node. The minimum and maximum size of an EBS volume depends on the EBS volume type and the instance type to which it is attached.
    • volumeType: Native enum:
      • STANDARD = 'standard'
      • IO1 = 'io1'
      • IO2 = 'io2'
      • GP2 = 'gp2'
      • GP3 = 'gp3'
      • ST1 = 'st1'
      • SC1 = 'sc1'
      • GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD = 'gp2'
      • GENERAL_PURPOSE_SSD_GP3 = 'gp3'
      • PROVISIONED_IOPS_SSD = 'io1'
      • PROVISIONED_IOPS_SSD_IO2 = 'io2'
      • COLD_HDD = 'sc1'
      • MAGNETIC = 'standard'
      - The EBS volume type to use with the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain
    • multiAzWithStandby: boolean - Indicates whether Multi-AZ with Standby deployment option is enabled.
  • rdsConfig: Object with properties:
    • username: string - The username used for database connection.
    • passwordSecretId: string - The SecretsManager Secret ID that stores the existing database password.
    • dbHost: string - The database hostname for the existing database instance.
    • dbName: string - The name of the database for the database instance.
    • dbPort: number - The port of the existing database instance or the port to be opened on the database instance.
    - Configuration schema for RDS Instances needed for LiteLLM scaling or PGVector RAG operations.

    The optional fields can be omitted to create a new database instance, otherwise fill in all fields to use an existing database instance.
  • pipelines: Array of objects:
    • chunkSize: number - The size of the chunks used for document segmentation.
    • chunkOverlap: number - The size of the overlap between chunks.
    • embeddingModel: string - The embedding model used for document ingestion in this pipeline.
    • s3Bucket: string - The S3 bucket monitored by this pipeline for document processing.
    • s3Prefix: string - The prefix within the S3 bucket monitored for document processing.
    • trigger: 'daily' | 'event' - The event type that triggers document ingestion.
    • autoRemove: boolean - Enable removal of document from vector store when deleted from S3. This will also remove the file from S3 if file is deleted from vector store through API/UI.
    - Rag ingestion pipeline for automated inclusion into a vector store from S3
  • allowedGroups: Array<string (_min length: 1_)> - The groups provided by the Identity Provider that have access to this repository. If no groups are specified, access is granted to everyone.
ragFileProcessingConfigRag file processing configuration.Object with properties:
  • chunkSize: number (≥100, ≤10000)
  • chunkOverlap: number (≥0)
ecsModelsArray of ECS model configurations.Array of objects:
  • modelName: string - Name of the model.
  • baseImage: string - Base image for the container.
  • inferenceContainer: 'tgi' | 'tei' | 'instructor' | 'vllm' - Prebuilt inference container for serving model.
apiGatewayConfigConfiguration schema for API Gateway EndpointObject with properties:
  • domainName: string (nullable) - Custom domain name for API Gateway Endpoint
nvmeHostMountPathHost path for NVMe drives.string'/nvme'
nvmeContainerMountPathContainer path for NVMe drives.string'/nvme'
tagsArray of key-value pairs for tagging.Array of objects:
  • Key: string
  • Value: string
deploymentPrefixPrefix for deployment resources.string
webAppAssetsPathOptional path to precompiled webapp assets. If not specified the web application will be built at deploy time.string
lambdaLayerAssetsConfiguration for local Lambda layer codeObject with properties:
  • authorizerLayerPath: string - Lambda Authorizer code path
  • commonLayerPath: string - Lambda common layer code path
  • fastapiLayerPath: string - Lambda API code path
  • ragLayerPath: string - Lambda RAG layer code path
  • sdkLayerPath: string - Lambda SDK layer code path
permissionsBoundaryAspectAspect CDK injector for permissions. Ref: with properties:
  • permissionsBoundaryPolicyName: string
  • rolePrefix: string (max length: 20)
  • policyPrefix: string (max length: 20)
  • instanceProfilePrefix: string
stackSynthesizerSet the stack synthesize type. Ref: enum:
  • CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer = 'CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer'
  • DefaultStackSynthesizer = 'DefaultStackSynthesizer'
  • LegacyStackSynthesizer = 'LegacyStackSynthesizer'
litellmConfigCore LiteLLM configuration - see for more details about each field.Object with properties:
  • db_key: string
  • general_settings: any (nullable)
  • litellm_settings: any (nullable)
  • router_settings: any (nullable)
  • environment_variables: any (nullable)
convertInlinePoliciesToManagedConvert inline policies to managed policiesbooleanfalse

All properties are optional.