PWebRtcClientContext | getWebRtcClientInstance () |
VOID | releaseHoldOnInstance (PWebRtcClientContext pWebRtcClientContext) |
STATUS | createWebRtcClientInstance () |
STATUS | allocateSrtp (PKvsPeerConnection pKvsPeerConnection) |
VOID | onInboundPacket (UINT64 customData, PBYTE buff, UINT32 buffLen) |
STATUS | sendPacketToRtpReceiver (PKvsPeerConnection pKvsPeerConnection, PBYTE pBuffer, UINT32 bufferLen) |
STATUS | changePeerConnectionState (PKvsPeerConnection pKvsPeerConnection, RTC_PEER_CONNECTION_STATE newState) |
STATUS | onFrameReadyFunc (UINT64 customData, UINT16 startIndex, UINT16 endIndex, UINT32 frameSize) |
STATUS | onFrameDroppedFunc (UINT64 customData, UINT16 startIndex, UINT16 endIndex, UINT32 timestamp) |
PVOID | dtlsSessionStartThread (PVOID args) |
VOID | onIceConnectionStateChange (UINT64 customData, UINT64 connectionState) |
VOID | onNewIceLocalCandidate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR candidateSdpStr) |
VOID | onSctpSessionOutboundPacket (UINT64 customData, PBYTE pPacket, UINT32 packetLen) |
VOID | onSctpSessionDataChannelMessage (UINT64 customData, UINT32 channelId, BOOL isBinary, PBYTE pMessage, UINT32 pMessageLen) |
VOID | onSctpSessionDataChannelOpen (UINT64 customData, UINT32 channelId, PBYTE pName, UINT32 nameLen) |
VOID | onDtlsOutboundPacket (UINT64 customData, PBYTE pBuffer, UINT32 bufferLen) |
VOID | onDtlsStateChange (UINT64 customData, RTC_DTLS_TRANSPORT_STATE newDtlsState) |
STATUS | generateJSONSafeString (PCHAR pDst, UINT32 len) |
STATUS | rtcpReportsCallback (UINT32 timerId, UINT64 currentTime, UINT64 customData) |
STATUS | getStunAddr (PStunIpAddrContext pStunIpAddrCtx) |
STATUS | onSetStunServerIp (UINT64 customData, PCHAR url, PKvsIpAddress pIpAddr) |
PVOID | resolveStunIceServerIp (PVOID args) |
STATUS | createPeerConnection (PRtcConfiguration pConfiguration, PRtcPeerConnection *ppPeerConnection) |
| Initialize a RtcPeerConnection with the provided Configuration. More...
STATUS | freeHashEntry (UINT64 customData, PHashEntry pHashEntry) |
STATUS | freePeerConnection (PRtcPeerConnection *ppPeerConnection) |
| Free a RtcPeerConnection. More...
STATUS | peerConnectionOnIceCandidate (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, UINT64 customData, RtcOnIceCandidate rtcOnIceCandidate) |
| Set a callback when new Ice collects new local candidate. More...
STATUS | peerConnectionOnDataChannel (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, UINT64 customData, RtcOnDataChannel rtcOnDataChannel) |
STATUS | peerConnectionOnConnectionStateChange (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, UINT64 customData, RtcOnConnectionStateChange rtcOnConnectionStateChange) |
STATUS | peerConnectionOnSenderBandwidthEstimation (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, UINT64 customData, RtcOnSenderBandwidthEstimation rtcOnSenderBandwidthEstimation) |
| Set a callback for transport-wide sender bandwidth estimation results. More...
STATUS | peerConnectionGetLocalDescription (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pRtcSessionDescriptionInit) |
STATUS | peerConnectionGetCurrentLocalDescription (PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pRtcSessionDescriptionInit) |
UINT32 | parseExtId (PCHAR extmapValue) |
| parses string of form "$number $whatever" returns $number as uint32 More...
STATUS | setRemoteDescription (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pSessionDescriptionInit) |
| Instructs the RtcPeerConnection to apply the supplied RtcSessionDescriptionInit as the remote description. More...
STATUS | createOffer (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pSessionDescriptionInit) |
| Populate the provided answer that contains an RFC 3264 offer with the supported configurations for the session. More...
STATUS | createAnswer (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pSessionDescriptionInit) |
| Populate the provided answer that contains an RFC 3264 answer with the supported configurations for the session. More...
STATUS | setLocalDescription (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PRtcSessionDescriptionInit pSessionDescriptionInit) |
| Instructs the RtcPeerConnection to apply the supplied RtcSessionDescriptionInit as the local description. More...
STATUS | addTransceiver (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PRtcMediaStreamTrack pRtcMediaStreamTrack, PRtcRtpTransceiverInit pRtcRtpTransceiverInit, PRtcRtpTransceiver *ppRtcRtpTransceiver) |
| Create a new RtcRtpTransceiver and add it to the set of transceivers. More...
STATUS | addSupportedCodec (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, RTC_CODEC rtcCodec) |
| Adds to the list of codecs we support receiving. More...
STATUS | addIceCandidate (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PCHAR pIceCandidate) |
| Provides a remote candidate to the ICE Agent. More...
STATUS | restartIce (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection) |
| Instructs the RtcPeerConnection that ICE should be restarted. Subsequent calls to createOffer will create descriptions to restart ICE. More...
STATUS | closePeerConnection (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection) |
| Close the underlying DTLS session and IceAgent connection. Trigger RtcOnConnectionStateChange to RTC_PEER_CONNECTION_STATE_CLOSED. More...
NullableBool | canTrickleIceCandidates (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection) |
| The canTrickleIceCandidates attribute indicates whether the remote peer is able to accept trickled ICE candidates. The value is determined based on whether a remote description indicates support for trickle ICE. Prior to the completion of setRemoteDescription, this value is null. More...
STATUS | initKvsWebRtc (VOID) |
| Initializes global state needed for all RtcPeerConnections. It must only be called once. More...
STATUS | cleanupWebRtcClientInstance () |
STATUS | deinitKvsWebRtc (VOID) |
| Deinitializes global state needed for all RtcPeerConnections. It must only be called once. More...
STATUS | twccManagerOnPacketSent (PKvsPeerConnection pKvsPeerConnection, PRtpPacket pRtpPacket) |
STATUS | peerConnectionGetMetrics (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PPeerConnectionMetrics pPeerConnectionMetrics) |
| Get peer connection related metrics. More...
STATUS | iceAgentGetMetrics (PRtcPeerConnection pPeerConnection, PKvsIceAgentMetrics pKvsIceAgentMetrics) |
| Get peer connection related metrics. More...