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Problem: Running scripts/ $STAGE fails with the message Uploaded file must be a non-empty zip.

Solution: This problem occurs because of a known issue with AWS CDK described in Update/downpatch Node.js to version 12.x. Note: This should not be a problem if you are running Node.js 16x and Serverless v3.

Problem: Dependency issues when installing Service Workbench as a root user.

Solution: Use ec2-user when installing Service Workbench. If you install as a root user, you might get dependency issues.

Problem: Building machine images hangs and fails to generate any output in the terminal.

Workaround: Check that you have a default VPC and this has an internet gateway attached. If a default VPC is not available or cannot be created, then you can manually create an internet connected VPC. Make a copy of /main/solution/machine-images/config/settings/example.yml to create a similar config file for your stage. In this file, specify the VPCId and a subnetId for your custom VPC.