Uninstalling Service Workbench
Follow these guidelines to delete the following for uninstalling Service Workbench:
CloudFormation stack
- For Workspaces that are running, manually delete the PVRE role additions before the stack is successfully deleted.
- Empty every bucket before deleting the stack.
- The artifacts bucket has to be deleted manually.
Products from AWS Service Catalog
- Select the portfolio, remove each product, delete the entries in groups, roles and users, and then delete the portfolio.
- Go to Products and delete the products from the list. AMIs and snapshots
- Go to EC2 console, select AMIs in the left-hand menu, choose all AMIs (from SWB) and then choose Deregister.
- Select all snapshots and choose Delete.
Lambda functions
Delete Service Workbench-related Lambda functions.
CloudWatch log groups
Go to CloudWatch console, then select and delete the log groups. Alternatively, set the retention and the log groups will be deleted automatically.
AWS Cloud9 IDE
If you used AWS Cloud9 to deploy Service Workbench, you can delete this environment.
Using the uninstall script
Use the following script to uninstall Service Workbench:
Regional code mapping
Region code mapping is defined in the main/config/settings/.defaults.yml
'us-east-1': 'va'
'us-west-1': 'ca'
'us-west-2': 'or'
'ap-east-1': 'hk'
'ap-south-1': 'mum'
'ap-northeast-3': 'osa'
'ap-northeast-2': 'sel'
'ap-southeast-1': 'sg'
'ap-southeast-2': 'syd'
'ap-northeast-1': 'ty'
'ca-central-1': 'ca'
'cn-north-1': 'cn'
'cn-northwest-1': 'nx'
'eu-central-1': 'fr'
'eu-west-1': 'irl'
'eu-west-2': 'ldn'
'eu-west-3': 'par'
'eu-north-1': 'sth'
'me-south-1': 'bhr'
'sa-east-1': 'sao'
'us-gov-east-1': 'gce'
'us-gov-west-1': 'gcw'