Enumeration ClientOperationQueueBehavior

Controls how disconnects affect the queued and in-progress operations tracked by the client. Also controls how operations are handled while the client is not connected. In particular, if the client is not connected, then any operation that would be failed on disconnect (according to these rules) will be rejected.

Enumeration Members

Default: 0

Same as FailQos0PublishOnDisconnect

FailNonQos1PublishOnDisconnect: 1

Re-queues QoS 1+ publishes on disconnect; un-acked publishes go to the front while unprocessed publishes stay in place. All other operations (QoS 0 publishes, subscribe, unsubscribe) are failed.

FailQos0PublishOnDisconnect: 2

QoS 0 publishes that are not complete at the time of disconnection are failed. Un-acked QoS 1+ publishes are re-queued at the head of the line for immediate retransmission on a session resumption. All other operations are requeued in original order behind any retransmissions.

FailAllOnDisconnect: 3

All operations that are not complete at the time of disconnection are failed, except operations that the MQTT5 spec requires to be retransmitted (un-acked QoS1+ publishes).

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