Interface SubscribePacket

Data model of an MQTT5 SUBSCRIBE packet.



subscriptions: Subscription[]

List of topic filter subscriptions that the client wishes to listen to

See MQTT5 Subscribe Payload

subscriptionIdentifier?: number

A positive integer to associate with all subscriptions in this request. Publish packets that match a subscription in this request should include this identifier in the resulting message.

See MQTT5 Subscription Identifier

userProperties?: UserProperty[]

Set of MQTT5 user properties included with the packet.

See MQTT5 User Property

type?: PacketType

Always set on packets coming from the client to the user. Ignored if set on packets that come from the user to the client.

The primary use is to allow users to distinguish between packets in polymorphic situations (for example, the result of a publish attempt which might be a Puback (QoS 1) or Pubcomp (QoS 2, when we support it).

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