Interface Subscription

Configures a single subscription within a Subscribe operation

See MQTT5 Subscription Options


  • Subscription


topicFilter: string

Topic filter to subscribe to

See MQTT5 Subscription Options

qos: QoS

Maximum QoS on which the subscriber will accept publish messages. Negotiated QoS may be different.

See MQTT5 Subscription Options

noLocal?: boolean

Should the server not send publishes to a client when that client was the one who sent the publish? If undefined, this is assumed to be false.

See MQTT5 Subscription Options

retainAsPublished?: boolean

Should messages sent due to this subscription keep the retain flag preserved on the message? If undefined, this is assumed to be false.

See MQTT5 Subscription Options

retainHandlingType?: RetainHandlingType

Should retained messages on matching topics be sent in reaction to this subscription? If undefined, this is assumed to be RetainHandlingType.SendOnSubscribe.

See MQTT5 Subscription Options

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