Enumeration SubackReasonCode

Reason codes inside SUBACK packet payloads that specify the results for each subscription in the associated SUBSCRIBE packet.

Enum values match MQTT5 spec encoding values.

Enumeration Members

GrantedQoS0: 0

Returned when the subscription was accepted and the maximum QOS sent will be QOS 0.

GrantedQoS1: 1

Returned when the subscription was accepted and the maximum QOS sent will be QOS 1.

GrantedQoS2: 2

Returned when the subscription was accepted and the maximum QOS sent will be QOS 2.

UnspecifiedError: 128

Returned when the connection was closed but the sender does not want to specify a reason or none of the other reason codes apply.

ImplementationSpecificError: 131

Returned when the subscription was valid but the server did not accept it.

NotAuthorized: 135

Returned when the client was not authorized to make the subscription on the server.

TopicFilterInvalid: 143

Returned when the subscription topic filter was correctly formed but not allowed for the client.

PacketIdentifierInUse: 145

Returned when the packet identifier was already in use on the server.

QuotaExceeded: 151

Returned when a subscribe-related quota set on the server was exceeded.

SharedSubscriptionsNotSupported: 158

Returned when the subscription's topic filter was a shared subscription and the server does not support shared subscriptions.

SubscriptionIdentifiersNotSupported: 161

Returned when the SUBSCRIBE packet contained a subscription identifier and the server does not support subscription identifiers.

WildcardSubscriptionsNotSupported: 162

Returned when the subscription's topic filter contains a wildcard but the server does not support wildcard subscriptions.

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