Checkout the last step in Admin Guide
sudo curl -k -sS -O
sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kubectl
Assume the IAM role or user that you were provided with the AWS account access. Then execute the following command to set your Kube context to your cluster:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name orbit-dev-env --role-arn <TEAM_ROLE_ARN> --region <YOUR CLUSTER REGION>
The TEAM_ROLE is the role name that you can find in your notebook under the Team Side panel plugin, security category, property ‘EksPodRoleArn’ , for example : “arn:aws:iam::495869084367:role/orbit-dev-env-lake-user-role”
Run kubectl get pods -n <your team name>
. If everything went well, you should be able to see pods running in your orbit namespace
There are two methods you can use to sync your work:
kubectl cp
kubectl cp
gives you the ability to copy your work to your orbit workspace.
kubectl cp <src> <orbit team>/<your container>:<destination path>
For example:
export DIR = …
kubectl cp $DIR lake-user/jupyter-john:/home/jovyan/private/ --no-preserve=true
To get your container:
Open up your orbit notebook
allows you to continuously sync your local and orbit workspace
To install devspace
To sync:
devspace sync --container-path <container path> --local-path <local path> --namespace <your team> --pod <your container>
For example:
devspace sync --container-path /home/jovyan/private/python-utils --local-path python-utils --namespace lake-creator --pod jupyter-john