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GitHub Integration

The GitHub Integration feature of CloudFront Hosting Toolkit provides seamless connectivity between your GitHub repository and your AWS hosting infrastructure, enabling efficient version control and collaborative development.

Key Features

  • Automatic deployments: Triggers deployments automatically when code is pushed to the specified branch.
  • Branch-based deployments: Supports deployments from different branches for staging and production environments.
  • Simplified collaboration: Enables team members to contribute to the project using familiar GitHub workflows.
  • Secure connection: Utilizes AWS CodeStar connections for secure, OAuth-based authentication with GitHub.

How It Works

  1. Repository connection: During setup, you provide your GitHub repository details.
  2. AWS CodeStar Connection: The toolkit creates an AWS CodeStar connection to your GitHub repository.
    • This connection uses OAuth to securely authenticate with GitHub.
    • You’ll need to authorize the AWS Connector for GitHub app during the setup process.
  3. Repository access: You can select specific repositories to make accessible to CodePipeline.
  4. Automated pipeline: When code is pushed, it triggers the AWS CodePipeline to start the deployment process.

Connection Setup Process

  1. Initiate connection: The toolkit initiates the creation of a CodeStar connection to GitHub.
  2. Authorization: You’ll be prompted to authorize the AWS Connector for GitHub app.
  3. App installation: If not already installed, you’ll need to install the AWS Connector for GitHub app for your account or organization.
  4. Repository selection: Choose the specific repositories you want to make accessible to AWS.
  5. Connection completion: Once authorized and configured, the connection becomes active, enabling CodePipeline to access your GitHub repository.


  • Streamlined workflow: Integrates directly with your existing Git-based development process.
  • Security: OAuth-based authentication ensures secure access without the need for personal access tokens.


  • To create the connection, you must be the GitHub organization owner. For repositories not under an organization, you must be the repository owner.
  • The GitHub Integration feature is not available in certain AWS regions. Check the AWS documentation for the latest information on regional availability.
  • If your CodePipeline service role was created before December 18, 2019, you might need to update its permissions to use codestar-connections:UseConnection for AWS CodeStar connections.

GitHub Integration bridges the gap between your development workflow and your hosting infrastructure, providing a cohesive and efficient deployment process that aligns with modern development practices while maintaining security and ease of use.