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Optimized caching

The Optimized Caching feature of CloudFront Hosting Toolkit leverages Amazon CloudFront’s powerful caching capabilities to enhance your website’s performance, ensuring faster response times and reduced server load.

Key Features

  • Specialized Cache Policies: Implements distinct caching strategies for different types of content.
  • Long-Term Caching: Utilizes extended cache durations to maximize performance benefits.
  • Compression Support: Enables Gzip and Brotli compression for compatible content.

How It Works

Cache Policies

  1. Default Cache Policy:

    • Applied to most content types
    • Cache duration: 365 days (1 year)
    • Ignores cookies and query strings
    • Enables Gzip and Brotli compression
  2. Images Cache Policy:

    • Specifically for image files (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff, ico)
    • Cache duration: 365 days (1 year)
    • Ignores cookies, headers, and query strings
  3. Static Assets Cache Policy:

    • Applied to js, css, and html files
    • Cache duration: 365 days (1 year)
    • Ignores cookies, headers, and query strings
    • Enables compression


  • Improved Load Times: Long-term caching ensures faster content delivery for returning visitors.
  • Reduced Origin Load: Extended cache durations minimize requests to the origin S3 bucket.
  • Optimized for Different Content Types: Specialized policies for images and static assets ensure appropriate handling.
  • Reduced Bandwidth Usage: Compression and efficient caching reduce data transfer.

The Optimized Caching feature ensures that your website delivers exceptional performance globally, enhancing user experience and reducing infrastructure load.