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CDK Configuration guide

Both the CDK Construct and CDK Source Code methods require some common configuration steps. Follow this guide to set up the necessary files.

Configuration Files

Create a cloudfront-hosting-toolkit folder at the root of your CDK project and add the following files:

  1. buildConfigurationFile.yml: Configures the build process for your specific framework.
  2. A JavaScript file for the CloudFront function (e.g., url-rewriting.js): Handles URL rewriting for your application.
  3. cloudfront-hosting-toolkit.json: Contains your project configuration.

1. Build Configuration File

Example for Vue.js:

version: 0.2
- npx npm install
- npx npm run build
- cd dist
- echo aws s3 cp ./ s3://$DEST_BUCKET_NAME/$CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION/ --recursive #don't change this line
- aws s3 cp ./ s3://$DEST_BUCKET_NAME/$CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION/ --recursive #don't change this line

More build configuration templates

2. CloudFront Function File

Example for Vue.js:

import cf from 'cloudfront';
const kvsId = '__KVS_ID__';
// This fails if the key value store is not associated with the function
const kvsHandle = cf.kvs(kvsId);
function pointsToFile(uri) {
return /\/[^/]+\.[^/]+$/.test(uri);
var rulePatterns = {
"/$": "/index.html", // When URI ends with a '/', append 'index.html'
"!file": ".html", // When URI doesn't point to a specific file and doesn't have a trailing slash, append '.html'
"!file/": "/index.html",// When URI has a trailing slash and doesn't point to a specific file, append 'index.html'
// Function to determine rule and update the URI
async function updateURI(uri) {
let pathToAdd = "";
try {
pathToAdd = await kvsHandle.get("path");
} catch (err) {
console.log(`No key 'path' present : ${err}`);
return uri;
// Check for trailing slash and apply rule.
if (uri.endsWith("/") && rulePatterns["/$"]) {
return "/" + pathToAdd + uri.slice(0, -1) + rulePatterns["/$"];
// Check if URI doesn't point to a specific file.
if (!pointsToFile(uri)) {
// If URI doesn't have a trailing slash, apply rule.
if (!uri.endsWith("/") && rulePatterns["!file"]) {
return "/" + pathToAdd + uri + rulePatterns["!file"];
// If URI has a trailing slash, apply rule.
if (uri.endsWith("/") && rulePatterns["!file/"]) {
return "/" + pathToAdd + uri.slice(0, -1) + rulePatterns["!file/"];
return "/" + pathToAdd + uri;
// Main CloudFront handler
async function handler(event) {
var request = event.request;
var uri = request.uri;
//console.log("URI BEFORE: " + request.uri); // Uncomment if needed
request.uri = await updateURI(uri);
//console.log("URI AFTER: " + request.uri); // Uncomment if needed
return request;

More CloudFront function templates

3. Project Configuration File

For GitHub-based workflow:

"repoUrl": "",
"branchName": "main",
"framework": "nextjs",
"domainName": "",
"hostedZoneId": "Z1234567890ABCDEF"

For S3-based workflow:

"s3bucket": "my-source-bucket",
"s3path": "path/to/source",
"domainName": "",
"hostedZoneId": "Z1234567890ABCDEF"

More configuration examples

Field Descriptions

Mandatory Fields

  • For GitHub workflow:

    • repoUrl: The URL of your GitHub repository
    • branchName: The branch to deploy
    • framework: The framework used in your project (e.g., โ€œnextjsโ€, โ€œreactโ€, โ€œvueโ€)
  • For S3 workflow:

    • s3bucket: The name of your S3 bucket containing the source code
    • s3path: The path within the bucket where your source code is located

Optional Fields

  • domainName: Your custom domain name (if you want to use one)
  • hostedZoneId: The Route 53 hosted zone ID for your domain (required if using a custom domain)

Note: If you include domainName, you must also include hostedZoneId. These fields are used together to set up a custom domain for your website.