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A Redshift Serverless Namespace with secrets manager integration for admin credentials management and rotation.


RedshiftServerlessNamespace is a Redshift Serverless Namespace with the following options:

  • Encrypt data with a customer managed KMS Key.
  • Create Redshift superuser credentials managed by Redshift service: stored in Secrets Manager, encrypted with a KMS Key, and with automatic rotation.
  • Attach multiple IAM roles that can be used by Redshift Serverless users to interact with other AWS services.
  • Set an IAM role as default


class ExampleDefaultRedshiftServerlessNamespaceStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
super(scope, id)
new dsf.consumption.RedshiftServerlessNamespace(this, "RedshiftServerlessNamespace", {
dbName: "database",
name: "example-namespace"

Attaching IAM Roles to Redshift Serverless Namespace

To allow Redshift Serverless to access other AWS services on your behalf (eg. data ingestion from S3 via the COPY command, accessing data in S3 via Redshift Spectrum, exporting data from Redshift to S3 via the UNLOAD command.), the preferred method is to specify an IAM role. High-level steps are as follows:

  1. Create an IAM role with a trust relationship of
  2. Attach policy/permissions to the role to give it access to specific AWS services.
  3. Configure the role when creating the Redshift Serverless Namespace
  4. Run the relevant SQL command referencing the attached IAM role via its ARN (or the default keyword if a default IAM role is configured)
class ExampleRedshiftServerlessNamespaceRolesStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {
super(scope, id)

const bucket = new Bucket(this, "ExampleBucket")

const ingestionRole = new Role(this, "IngestionRole", {
assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal(""),
managedPolicies: [


new dsf.consumption.RedshiftServerlessNamespace(this, "RedshiftServerlessNamespace", {
dbName: "database",
name: "example-namespace",
defaultIAMRole: ingestionRole