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PySpark Application Package

A PySpark application packaged with its dependencies and uploaded on an S3 artifact bucket.


The construct package your PySpark application (the entrypoint, supporting files and virtual environment) and upload it to an Amazon S3 bucket. In the rest of the documentation we call the entrypoint, supporting files and virtual environment as artifacts.

The PySpark Application Package has two responsibilities:

  • Upload your PySpark entrypoint application to an artifact bucket
  • Package your PySpark virtual environment (venv) and upload it to an artifact bucket. The package of venv is done using docker, an example in the Usage section shows how to write the Dockerfile to package the application.

The construct uses the Asset to upload the PySpark Application artifacts to CDK Asset bucket. These are then copied to an S3 bucket we call artifact bucket.

To manage the lifecycle of the artifacts as CDK assets, the constructs need Docker daemon running on the local machine. Make sure to have Docker running before using the construct.

Construct attributes

The construct exposes the artifacts through the following interfaces:

  • entrypointS3Uri: The S3 location where the entry point is saved in S3. You pass this location to your Spark job.
  • venvArchiveS3Uri: The S3 location where the archive of the Python virtual environment with all dependencies is stored. You pass this location to your Spark job.
  • sparkVenvConf: The Spark config containing the configuration of virtual environment archive with all dependencies.

Resources created

  • An Amazon S3 Bucket to store the PySpark Application artifacts. You can also provide your own if you have already a bucket that you want to use. This bucket comes with configuration to enforce TLS, Block Public Access and encrypt objects with SSE-KMS,
  • An IAM role used by a Lambda to copy from the CDK Asset bucket to the artifact bucket created above or provided.

The schema below shows the resources created and the responsible of the construct:

PySpark Application Package


In this example we will show you how you can use the construct to package a PySpark application and submit a job to EMR Serverless leveraging DSF SparkEmrServerlessRuntime and SparkJob constructs.

For this example we assume we will have the folder structure as shown below. We have two folders, one containing the PySpark application called spark folder and a second containing the CDK code called cdk. The PySpark code, follows the standards Python structure. The spark also contains the Dockerfile to build the venv. In the next section will describe how to structure the Dockerfile.

| |--test
| |--src
| |
| |
| |--dir1
| |
| |
| |--requirement.txt
| |--Dockerfile #contains the build instructions to package the virtual environment for PySpark
|--cdk #contains the CDK application that deploys CDK stack with the PySparkApplicationPackage

PySpark Application Definition

For this example we define the PySparkApplicationPackage resource as follows:

new dsf.processing.PySparkApplicationPackage(this, 'PySparkApplicationPackage', {
applicationName: 'nightly-job-aggregation',
entrypointPath: './../spark/src/',
dependenciesFolder: './../spark',
venvArchivePath: '/venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz',

Dockerfile definition

The steps below describe how to create the Dockerfile so it can be used to be package venv by the construct

  • In order to build the virtual environment, the docker container will mount the dependencies_folder, in our case we define it as ./../spark.
  • Then to package the venv we need to build COPY all the files in ./spark to the docker container.
  • Last we execute the venv-package, in the PySparkApplication we passed the venv_archive_path as /venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz. So we need to create it with mkdir /venv-package and then pass it to the venv-package as venv-pack -o /venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 AS base

RUN dnf install -y python3

RUN python3 -m venv $VIRTUAL_ENV

COPY . .

RUN python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
python3 -m pip install venv-pack==0.2.0 && \
python3 -m pip install .

RUN mkdir /venv-package && venv-pack -o /venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz && chmod ugo+r /venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz

Define a CDK stack upload PySpark application and run the job

The stack below leverages the resources defined above for PySpark to build the end to end example for building and submitting a PySpark job.

  const runtime = new dsf.processing.SparkEmrServerlessRuntime(this, 'SparkRuntime', {
name: 'mySparkRuntime',

const applicationPackage = new dsf.processing.PySparkApplicationPackage(this, 'PySparkApplicationPackage', {
applicationName: 'nightly-job-aggregation',
entrypointPath: './../spark/src/',
dependenciesFolder: './../spark',
venvArchivePath: '/venv-package/pyspark-env.tar.gz',

new dsf.processing.SparkEmrServerlessJob(this, 'SparkNightlyJob', {
applicationId: runtime.application.attrApplicationId,
name: 'nightly_job',
executionRole: executionRole,
executionTimeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(15),
s3LogBucket: Bucket.fromBucketArn(this, 'LogBucket', 'emr-job-logs-EXAMPLE'),
s3LogPrefix: 'logs',
sparkSubmitEntryPoint: applicationPackage.entrypointUri, // use the application package entrypoint
sparkSubmitParameters: '--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.driver.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 {sparkEnvConf}',