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OpenAI Classifier

The OpenAI Classifier is a built-in classifier for the Multi-Agent Orchestrator that leverages OpenAI’s language models for intent classification. It provides robust classification capabilities using OpenAI’s state-of-the-art models like GPT-4o.

The OpenAI Classifier extends the abstract Classifier class and uses the OpenAI API client to process requests and classify user intents.


  • Utilizes OpenAI’s advanced models (e.g., GPT-4) for intent classification
  • Configurable model selection and inference parameters
  • Supports custom system prompts and variables
  • Handles conversation history for context-aware classification

Basic Usage

To use the OpenAIClassifier, you need to create an instance with your OpenAI API key and pass it to the Multi-Agent Orchestrator:

import { OpenAIClassifier } from "multi-agent-orchestrator";
import { MultiAgentOrchestrator } from "multi-agent-orchestrator";
const openaiClassifier = new OpenAIClassifier({
apiKey: 'your-openai-api-key'
const orchestrator = new MultiAgentOrchestrator({ classifier: openaiClassifier });

Custom Configuration

You can customize the OpenAIClassifier by providing additional options:

const customOpenAIClassifier = new OpenAIClassifier({
apiKey: 'your-openai-api-key',
modelId: 'gpt-4o',
inferenceConfig: {
maxTokens: 500,
temperature: 0.7,
topP: 0.9,
stopSequences: ['']
const orchestrator = new MultiAgentOrchestrator({ classifier: customOpenAIClassifier });

The OpenAIClassifier accepts the following configuration options:

  • api_key (required): Your OpenAI API key.
  • model_id (optional): The ID of the OpenAI model to use. Defaults to GPT-4 Turbo