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In-Memory Storage

In-memory storage is the default storage option for the Multi-Agent Orchestrator System. It provides a quick and efficient way to store conversation history, making it ideal for development, testing, or scenarios where long-term persistence is not required.


  • Fast read and write operations
  • No additional setup or external dependencies
  • Perfect for local development and testing environments

When to Use In-Memory Storage

  • During development and testing phases
  • For applications with short-lived sessions
  • When persistence across application restarts is not necessary


To use in-memory storage in your Multi-Agent Orchestrator:

import { MemoryStorage, MultiAgentOrchestrator } from 'multi-agent-orchestrator';
const memoryStorage = new InMemoryChatStorage();
const orchestrator = new MultiAgentOrchestrator(memoryStorage);


  • Data is lost when the application restarts or crashes
  • Not suitable for distributed systems or applications requiring data persistence
  • Limited by available memory on the host machine

Best Practices

  • Use in-memory storage for rapid prototyping and development
  • Implement proper error handling to manage potential memory constraints
  • Consider switching to a persistent storage option like DynamoDB for production deployments

In-memory storage provides a straightforward and efficient solution for managing conversation history in scenarios where long-term data persistence is not a requirement. It allows for quick setup and is particularly useful during the development and testing phases of your Multi-Agent Orchestrator System implementation.