Use cases

Today, the China market is one of biggest markets in the world. Many international companies are seeking their success in China, as well as a number of Chinese companies are expanding their businesses globally. One of most important steps of in the business is moving their data.

S3 Cross-Region Replication and ECR Cross-Region Replication are popular but customers cannot use them to replicate data into China Regions. With the launch of Data Transfer Hub solution, customers can now create S3 and ECR data transfer tasks between AWS Global Regions and AWS China Regions in a web portal. Moreover, it supports replicating data from other cloud providers to AWS.

Depending on the availability of your network environment, Data Transfer Hub supports the following use cases:

  • Copy Amazon S3 objects between AWS Global Regions and AWS China Regions.
  • Copy data from other cloud providers’ object storage services to Amazon S3.
  • Transfer Amazon ECR images between AWS Global Regions and AWS China Regions.
  • Transfer Dockers image from public docker registry (for example, Docker Hub, Google, Red Hat to Amazon ECR.