
After creating the task, you may encounter some error messages. The following list the error messages and provide general steps to troubleshoot them.

1. StatusCode: 400, InvalidToken: The provided token is malformed or otherwise invalid

If you get this error message, confirm that your secret is configured in the following format. You can copy and paste it directly.

    "access_key_id": "<Your Access Key ID>",
    "secret_access_key": "<Your Access Key Secret>"

2. StatusCode: 403, InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records

If you get this error message, check if your bucket name and region name are configured correctly.

3. StatusCode: 403, InvalidAccessKeyId: UnknownError

If you get this error message, check whether the Credential stored in Secrets Manager has the proper permissions. For more information, refer to IAM Policy.

4. StatusCode: 400, AccessDeniedException: Access to KMS is not allowed

If you get this error message, confirm that your secret is not encrypted by SSE-CMK. Currently, DTH does not support SSE-CMK encrypted secrets.

5. dial tcp: lookup xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx (http://xxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xx/) on no such host

If you get this error message, check if your endpoint is configured correctly.