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OIDC Providers Settings

This section is for creating OIDC IdP client and creating Service Workbench root user in OIDC IdP.

Creating OIDC IdP Client and User

OpenID Connect (OIDC) IdP is an alternative of Cognito User Pool for authentication of Service Workbench. Before deploying Service Workbench with OIDC IdP, you have to create your OIDC provider in external OIDC services.

Below are example procedures for creating OIDC providers in Authing, Keycloak and Okta for reference. You can use other OIDC providers as well.

  • (Authing Option) Authing is an example of a third-party authentication provider.
  • (Keycloak on AWS Option) Keycloak on AWS is a solution maintained by AWS and can serve as an authentication identity provider.
  • (Okta Option) Okta is one trusted platform to secure every identity, from customers to your workforce.

Follow the steps below to create an OIDC client and , and obtain the client_id, issuer, user_name, first_name and last_name


Creating OIDC client

  1. Go to the Authing console.

  2. Create a user pool if you don't have one. Note: if you need a long-term free user pool, please do not check the 30-day trial checkbox

  3. Select the user pool.

  4. On the left navigation bar, select Self-built App under Applications.

  5. Click the Create button.

  6. Enter the Application Name, and Subdomain.

  7. Save the App ID (that is, client_id) and Issuer to a text file from Endpoint Information, which will be used later.

  8. Update the Login Callback URL and Logout Callback URL to your ICP recorded domain name. For example: suppose our Service Workbench domain is, please input for both Login Callback URL and Logout Callback URL.


    Please make sure that the URL you fill in ends with "/"

    If we don't use custom domain for Service Workbench, the Service Workbench provide cloudfront domain to access. So we need to config deployed Service Workbench cloudfront domain to Login Callback URL and Logout Callback URL, before deploying Service Workbench, we can keep Login Callback URL and Logout Callback URL as *. After Service Workbench is deployed, we need to get cloudfront domain and enter it into Login Callback URL and Logout Callback URL again.

    • Get cloudfront domain CloudFormation, Stacks, xxx-infrastructure, Outputs, WebsiteUrl, like below:
  1. Set the Authorization Configuration.

You have successfully created an authing self-built application. For more information, please visit authing doc

Creating user in

  1. Login the Authing console.

  2. Choose Users & Roles, Users, Create User and Email, input Email and Password, click Confirm to create user.

  3. Edit Personal Info, confirm Email, Given Name and Family Name have been fulled.


    If there is no Given Name or Family Name in Personal Info,please choose sidebar SettingField Management,set Given Name and Family Name's Visible from Console as Yes,and then edit Personal Info again.

You have successfully created an user in authing.

Keycloak on AWS

Creating Keycloak OIDC client

  1. Deploy the Keycloak solution in AWS China Regions following this guide.

  2. Make sure you can log in to the Keycloak console.

  3. On the left navigation bar, select Add realm. Skip this step if you already have a realm.

  4. Go to the realm setting page. Choose Endpoints, and then OpenID Endpoint Configuration from the list.

  5. In the JSON file that opens up in your browser, record the issuer value which will be used later.

  6. Go back to Keycloak console and select Clients on the left navigation bar, and choose Create.

  7. Enter a Client ID, which must contain 24 letters (case-insensitive) or numbers. Record the Client ID which will be used later.

  8. Change client settings. Update the Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins to your ICP recorded domain name. For example: suppose our Service Workbench domain is, please input for both Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins.


    Please make sure that the URL you fill in ends with "/"

    If we don't use custom domain for Service Workbench, the Service Workbench provide cloudfront domain to access. So we need to config deployed Service Workbench cloudfront domain to Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins, before deploying Service Workbench, we can keep Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins as *. After Service Workbench is deployed, we need to get cloudfront domain and enter it into Valid Redirect URIs and Web Origins again.

    • Get cloudfront domain CloudFormation, Stacks, xxx-infrastructure, Outputs, WebsiteUrl, like below:

The issuer value is https://<KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN_NAME>/auth/realms/<REALM_NAME>.

Creating user in Keycloak

  1. Login your deployed Keycloak Administration Console and choose the realm that you created before.

  2. Choose User and Add user, input Username, Email, First Name and Last Name, then click Save to create user.

  3. After user created, choose Credentials to set password.

You have successfully created an user in keycloak.


Creating Okta OIDC client

  1. Go to the Okta console.

  2. Create an account if you don't have one.

  3. Access Admin console.

  4. Create an application if you don't have one, choose Applications, Application, Create App Integration, Create App Integration, OIDC - OpenID Connect and Single-Page Application, click Next button.

  5. Click the Create button.

  6. Enter the App integration name, set Grant type as Authorization Code.

  7. Update the Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs to your ICP recorded domain name. For example: suppose our Service Workbench domain is, please input for both Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs.


    Please make sure that the URL you fill in ends with "/"

    If we don't use custom domain for Service Workbench, the Service Workbench provide cloudfront domain to access. So we need to config deployed Service Workbench cloudfront domain to Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs, before deploying Service Workbench, we can keep Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs as *. After Service Workbench is deployed, we need to get cloudfront domain and enter it into Sign-in redirect URIs and Sign-out redirect URIs again.

    • Get cloudfront domain CloudFormation, Stacks, xxx-infrastructure, Outputs, WebsiteUrl, like below:
  8. After creating application, you can get the Client ID (that is client_id text) and the Issuer(that is your Okta URL, for example: Please save them which will be used later.

Creating user in Okta

  1. Login the Okta console Admin console.
  2. Choose Directory, People and Add person, then input First name, Last name, Username and Primary email, choose I will set password to set password, then click Save.

You have successfully created an user in Okta.