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Clickstream HTTP API


This documentation will help you send your clickstream data directly to the Clickstream ingestion server via HTTP requests. The Clickstream data processing module will correctly process your data simultaneously by following the guidelines below. Then, you can visually analyze them in the subsequent report module.

Request endpoint

After creating the application in the solution web console, you will get the Server Endpoint and App ID on the details page. For example:

  • Server Endpoint:
  • App ID: my_app

API Specification

  1. The app ID in the query parameters must be one of the applications you create for the project in the solution web console. Otherwise, the server will respond to HTTP status code 403.
  2. The request body contains four parts: common attributes, items, user, and attributes. The public attributes require the event_type, event_id, timestamp, and app_id; the rest are optional parameters.
  3. The total size of the body of a single request cannot exceed 1MB. The HTTP status code 413 will return if it exceeds.

Request method


Request headers

Parameter name Required Example Description
Content-Type YES application/json; charset=utf-8 Content type
X-Forwarded-For NO Source IP address, it's required if you forward the client requests to clickstream servers from your servers
User-Agent NO Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 User-Agent
cookie NO your auth cookie The authentication token for your request. Please refer to server side configuration.

Request query parameters

Parameter name Required Example Description
appId YES test_app The app ID for your application is created in the solution web console
platform NO Android/iOS/Web/... Distinguish between platforms
event_bundle_sequence_id NO 1 Request sequence number, an incrementing integer starting from 1
hashCode NO 478acd09 The first eight digits of the sha256 calculation result of the request body string
compression NO gzip Request body compression method. Currently, only gzip is supported. Keeping it absent means no compression

Request body

The request body is an array structure that contains the JSON string of one or more events. For example:

    "event_type": "button_click",
    "event_id": "460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7",
    "timestamp": 1667877566697,
    "app_id": "your appId",
    "attributes": {
      "productName": "shoes",
      "Price": 99.9
    "event_type": "item_view",
    "event_id": "c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195",
    "timestamp": 1667877565698,
    "app_id": "your appId",
    "attributes": {
      "productName": "book",
      "Price": 39.9

Event attributes

Attributes name Required Data Type Example Description
event_type YES String button_click Event type
event_id YES String 460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7 Event's unique ID, we recommend using UUID to generate
timestamp YES Long 1667877566697 The timestamp when the event was generated, in milliseconds
app_id YES String shopping_dev The corresponding id when creating the application in the Clickstream web console
platform NO String Android/iOS/Web/... Device platform
os_version NO String 10 System version
unique_id NO String c84ad28d-16a8-4af4-a331-f34cdc7a7a18 Unique ID to identify different users and associate the behavior of logged-in and not logged-in
device_id NO String f24bec657ea8eff7 Distinguish between different devices
make NO String Samsung Device manufacturer
brand NO String Samsung Device brand
model NO String S23 Ultra Device model
carrier NO String CDMA Device network operator name
network_type NO String Mobile Current device network type
locale NO String zh_CN Local information
system_language NO String zh Device language code
country_code NO String CN Device country code
zone_offset NO int 2880000 Device's raw offset from GMT in milliseconds
screen_height NO int 1920 Screen height in pixels
screen_width NO int 1080 Screen width in pixels
viewport_height NO int 540 App viewport height
viewport_width NO int 360 App viewport width
sdk_version NO String 1.2.3 SDK version
sdk_name NO String aws-solution-clickstream-sdk SDK name
app_package_name NO String User's Application package name
app_version NO String 1.1.0 Application version number
app_title NO String shopping Application name
items NO Object [{
  "id": "b011ddc3-632f-47cb-a68a-ad83678ecfed",
  "name": "Classic coat-rack",
  "category": "housewares",
  "price": 167
Item list, Supports uploading multiple items at one time. A maximum of 100 items can be uploaded at one time
For the item quantity limit, please refer to Event and Attribute Limitation
For the supported attributes of the item, please refer to item attribute
user NO Object {
  "_user_id": {
    "value": "0202d0e1",
    "set_timestamp": 1695006816345
   "username": {
     "value": "carl",
     "set_timestamp": 1695006816345
User attributes. Each attribute key is the user attribute name. Each attribute contains an object. The object contains two attributes:
value: The value of the user attribute.
set_timestamp: The timestamp millisecond value when setting the attribute.
Up to 100 user attributes can be added to an event. For specific restrictions, please refer to: Event and Attribute Limitations
attributes NO Object {
  "productName": "book",
  "Price": 39.9
Custom attributes. Up to 500 custom attributes can be added to an event, and the attribute name must meet the naming rules

Request response

If the HttpCode status code returned by the request is 200, the request is considered successful, other status codes are failures, and the request does not return any other content.


Code Description
200 Request successful
403 Request failed. Please check if appId and endpoint match, if configured with authentication, please check whether the authentication cookie is correct
413 Request failed. The request body exceeds 1MB

Request code example

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--header 'X-Forwarded-For:' \
--data '[{"event_type":"button_click","event_id":"460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7","timestamp":1667877566697,"app_id":"your appId","attributes":{"productName":"shoes","Price":99.9}},{"event_type":"item_view","event_id":"c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195","timestamp":1667877565698,"app_id":"your appId","attributes":{"productName":"book","Price":39.9}}]'
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");
request.Headers.Add("X-Forwarded-For", "");
var content = new StringContent("[{\"event_type\":\"button_click\",\"event_id\":\"460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7\",\"timestamp\":1667877566697,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"shoes\",\"Price\":99.9}},{\"event_type\":\"item_view\",\"event_id\":\"c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195\",\"timestamp\":1667877565698,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"book\",\"Price\":39.9}}]", null, "application/json; charset=utf-8");
request.Content = content;
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
OkHttpClient client=new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
        MediaType mediaType=MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
        RequestBody body=RequestBody.create(mediaType,"[{\"event_type\":\"button_click\",\"event_id\":\"460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7\",\"timestamp\":1667877566697,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"shoes\",\"Price\":99.9}},{\"event_type\":\"item_view\",\"event_id\":\"c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195\",\"timestamp\":1667877565698,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"book\",\"Price\":39.9}}]");
        Request request=new Request.Builder()
        .addHeader("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8")
        Response response=client.newCall(request).execute();
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
myHeaders.append("X-Forwarded-For", "");

var raw = "[{\"event_type\":\"button_click\",\"event_id\":\"460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7\",\"timestamp\":1667877566697,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"shoes\",\"Price\":99.9}},{\"event_type\":\"item_view\",\"event_id\":\"c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195\",\"timestamp\":1667877565698,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"book\",\"Price\":39.9}}]";

var requestOptions = {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: myHeaders,
    body: raw,
    redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(result => console.log(result))
    .catch(error => console.log('error', error));
import requests

url = ""

payload = "[{\"event_type\":\"button_click\",\"event_id\":\"460daa08-0717-4385-8f2e-acb5bd019ee7\",\"timestamp\":1667877566697,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"shoes\",\"Price\":99.9}},{\"event_type\":\"item_view\",\"event_id\":\"c6067c1c-fd8d-4fdb-bfaf-cc1212ca0195\",\"timestamp\":1667877565698,\"app_id\":\"your appId\",\"attributes\":{\"productName\":\"book\",\"Price\":39.9}}]"
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    'X-Forwarded-For': ''

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Verification data reported successfully

If you enabled data processing, you can query the event, event_parameter, user, item or ingestion_events table in Athena directly through SQL.

Moreover, if you enabled Redshift in data modeling, you can query the event, event_parameter, user, or item table in Redshift directly through SQL.