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Clickstream Swift SDK


Clickstream Swift SDK can help you easily collect in-app click stream data from iOS devices to your AWS environments through the data pipeline provisioned by this solution.

The SDK is based on the Amplify for Swift SDK Core Library and developed according to the Amplify Swift SDK plug-in specification. In addition, the SDK provides features that automatically collect common user events and attributes (for example, screen view, and first open) to accelerate data collection for users.

Platform Support

Clickstream Swift SDK supports iOS 13+.

Clickstream Swift SDK requires Xcode 13.4 or higher to build.

Integrate SDK

1.Add Package

We use Swift Package Manager(SPM) to distribute Clickstream Swift SDK, open your project in Xcode and select File > Add Packages.

  1. Copy the Clickstream Swift SDK GitHub repository URL and paste it into the search bar.
  2. Check the rules for the version of the SDK that you want Swift Package Manager to install, it is recommended to choose Up to Next Major Version, then click Add Package.
  3. Keep the Clickstream product checked as default.
  4. Choose Add Package again to finish the package installation.

2.Parameter configuration

Download your amplifyconfiguration.json file from your Clickstream solution web console, and paste it to your project root folder.

the JSON file will be as follows:

  "analytics": {
    "plugins": {
      "awsClickstreamPlugin ": {
        "appId": "your appId",
        "endpoint": "",
        "isCompressEvents": true,
        "autoFlushEventsInterval": 10000,
        "isTrackAppExceptionEvents": false

Your appId and endpoint are already set up in it, here's an explanation of each property:

  • appId (Required): the app id of your project in web console.
  • endpoint (Required): the endpoint url you will upload the event to AWS server.
  • isCompressEvents: whether to compress event content when uploading events, default is true
  • autoFlushEventsInterval: event sending interval, the default is 10s
  • isTrackAppExceptionEvents: whether auto track exception event in app, default is false

3.Initialize the SDK

Once you have configured the parameters, you need to initialize it in AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions lifecycle method to use the SDK.

import Clickstream

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    do {
        try ClickstreamAnalytics.initSDK()
    } catch {
        assertionFailure("Fail to initialize ClickstreamAnalytics: \(error)")
    return true
@import Clickstream;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { 
    NSError *error = nil;
    [ClickstreamObjc initSDKAndReturnError:&error];
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Fail to initialize ClickstreamAnalytics: %@", error.localizedDescription);
    return YES;

SwiftUI configuration

If your project is developed with SwiftUI, you need to create an application delegate and attach it to your App through UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor.

struct YourApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

Clickstream Swift SDK depends on method swizzling to automatically record screen views. SwiftUI apps must record screen view events manually, and disable automatic tracking of screen view events by setting configuration.withTrackScreenViewEvents(false) when the SDK is initialized.

4.Start using

Record event

Add the following code where you need to record event.

import Clickstream

// for record an event with custom attributes
let attributes: ClickstreamAttribute = [
    "category": "shoes",
    "currency": "CNY",
    "value": 279.9
ClickstreamAnalytics.recordEvent("button_click", attributes)

// for record an event directly
@import Clickstream;

// for record an event with custom attributes
NSDictionary *attributes =@{
    @"category": @"shoes",
    @"currency": @"CNY",
    @"value": @12.34
[ClickstreamObjc recordEvent:@"button_click" :attributes];

// for record an event directly
[ClickstreamObjc recordEvent:@"button_click"];

Add global attribute

  1. Add global attributes when initializing the SDK.

    The following example code shows how to add traffic source fields as global attributes when initializing the SDK.

    import Clickstream
    let configuration = ClickstreamConfiguration()
        .withAppId("your appId")
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_SOURCE: "amazon",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_MEDIUM: "cpc",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CAMPAIGN: "summer_promotion",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CAMPAIGN_ID: "summer_promotion_01",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_TERM: "running_shoes",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CONTENT: "banner_ad_1",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CLID: "amazon_ad_123",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CLID_PLATFORM: "amazon_ads",
            ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.APP_INSTALL_CHANNEL: "App Store"
    try ClickstreamAnalytics.initSDK(configuration)
    @import Clickstream;
    NSDictionary *globalAttributes = @{
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_SOURCE: @"amazon",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_MEDIUM: @"cpc",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CAMPAIGN: @"summer_promotion",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CAMPAIGN_ID: @"summer_promotion_01",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_TERM: @"running_shoes",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CONTENT: @"banner_ad_1",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CLID: @"amazon_ad_123",
        Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_CLID_PLATFORM: @"amazon_ads",
        Attr.APP_INSTALL_CHANNEL: @"App Store",
    ClickstreamConfiguration *configuration = [[[[[ClickstreamConfiguration alloc] init]
        withAppId:@"your appId"]
    [ClickstreamObjc initSDK:configuration error: &error];
  2. Add global attributes after initializing the SDK.

    import Clickstream
    let globalAttribute: ClickstreamAttribute = [
        ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.APP_INSTALL_CHANNEL: "App Store",
        "class": 6,
        "level": 5.1,
        "isOpenNotification": true,
    // for delete an global attribute
    @import Clickstream;
    NSDictionary *attributes =@{
        Attr.APP_INSTALL_CHANNEL: @"App Store",
        @"class": @6,
        @"level": @5.1,
        @"isOpenNotification": @YES
    [ClickstreamObjc addGlobalAttributes :attributes];
    // for delete an global attribute
    [ClickstreamObjc deleteGlobalAttributes: @[@"level"]];

It is recommended to set global attributes when initializing the SDK, global attributes will be included in all events that occur after it is set.

Login and logout

import Clickstream

// when user login usccess.

// when user logout
@import Clickstream;

// when user login usccess.
[ClickstreamObjc setUserId:@"userId"];

// when user logout
[ClickstreamObjc setUserId:NULL];

Add user attribute

import Clickstream

let userAttributes : ClickstreamAttribute=[
    "_user_age": 21,
    "_user_name": "carl"
@import Clickstream;

NSDictionary *userAttributes =@{
    @"_user_age": @21,
    @"user_name": @"carl"
[ClickstreamObjc addUserAttributes:userAttributes];

Current logged-in user's attributes will be cached in disk, so the next time app launch you don't need to set all user's attribute again, of course you can use the same API ClickstreamAnalytics.addUserAttributes() to update the current user's attribute when it changes.


If your application is already published and most users have already logged in, please manually set the user attributes once when integrate the Clickstream SDK for the first time to ensure that subsequent events contains user attributes.

Record event with items

You can add the following code to log an event with an item.

import Clickstream

let attributes: ClickstreamAttribute = [
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.VALUE: 99.9,
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.CURRENCY: "USD",
    "event_category": "recommended"

let item_book: ClickstreamAttribute = [
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Item.ITEM_ID: 123,
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Item.ITEM_NAME: "Nature",
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Item.ITEM_CATEGORY: "book",
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Item.PRICE: 99.9,
    "book_publisher": "Nature Research"
ClickstreamAnalytics.recordEvent("view_item", attributes, [item_book])
@import Clickstream;

NSDictionary *attributes = @{
    Attr.VALUE: @99.9,
    Attr.CURRENCY: @"USD",
    "event_category": @"recommended"
NSDictionary *item_book = @{
    ClickstreamItemKey.ITEM_ID: @123,
    ClickstreamItemKey.ITEM_NAME: @"Nature",
    ClickstreamItemKey.ITEM_CATEGORY: @"book",
    ClickstreamItemKey.PRICE: @99.9,
    "book_publisher": @"Nature Research"
[ClickstreamObjc recordEvent:@"view_item" :attributes, @[item_book]];

For logging more attribute in an item, please refer to item attributes.


Only pipelines from version 1.1+ can handle items with custom attribute.

ITEM_ID is required attribute, if not set the item will be discarded.

Record screen view events manually

By default, SDK will automatically track the preset _screen_view event when ViewController triggers viewDidAppear.

You can manually record screen view events whether automatic screen view tracking is enabled, add the following code to record a screen view event with two attributes.

  • SCREEN_NAME Required. Your screen's name.
  • SCREEN_UNIQUE_ID Optional. Set the unique value of your ViewController or UIView. If you do not set, SDK will set a default value based on the current ViewController's hashValue.
import Clickstream

ClickstreamAnalytics.recordEvent(ClickstreamAnalytics.EventName.SCREEN_VIEW, [
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.SCREEN_NAME: "HomeView",
    ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.SCREEN_UNIQUE_ID: "your screen uniqueId"
@import Clickstream;

NSDictionary *attributes = @{
    Attr.SCREEN_NAME: @"HomeView",
    Attr.SCREEN_UNIQUE_ID: @"your screen uniqueId"
[ClickstreamObjc recordEvent:EventName.SCREEN_VIEW :attributes];

Send event immediately

import Clickstream
// for send event immediately.
@import Clickstream;
// for send event immediately.
[ClickstreamObjc flushEvents];

Disable SDK

You can disable the SDK in the scenario you need. After disabling the SDK, the SDK will not handle the logging and sending of any events. Of course, you can enable the SDK when you need to continue logging events.

import Clickstream

// disable SDK

// enable SDK
@import Clickstream;

// disable SDK
[ClickstreamObjc disable];

// enable SDK
[ClickstreamObjc enable];

Other configuration

In addition to the required appId and endpoint, you can configure other information to get more customized usage when initializing the SDK:

import Clickstream

let configuration = ClickstreamConfiguration()
    .withAppId("your appId")
    .withAuthCookie("your authentication cookie")
    .withInitialGlobalAttributes([ClickstreamAnalytics.Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_SOURCE: "amazon"])
try ClickstreamAnalytics.initSDK(configuration)
@import Clickstream;

ClickstreamConfiguration *configuration = [[[[[[[[[[[[[ClickstreamConfiguration alloc] init]
    withAppId:@"your appId"]
    withSendEventInterval: 10000]
    withSessionTimeoutDuration: 1800000]
    withAuthCookie: @"your auth cookie"]
    withInitialGlobalAttributesObjc:@{Attr.TRAFFIC_SOURCE_SOURCE: @"amazon"}];
[ClickstreamObjc initSDK:configuration error: &error];

Here is an explanation of each option.

Method name Parameter type Required Default value Description
withAppId() String true -- the app id of your application in web console
withEndpoint() String true -- the endpoint path you will upload the event to Clickstream ingestion server
withLogEvents() Bool false false whether to automatically print event JSON for debugging events, Learn more
withCompressEvents() Bool false true whether to compress event content by gzip when uploading events
withSendEventsInterval() Int false 10000 event sending interval in milliseconds
withSessionTimeoutDuration() Int64 false 1800000 the duration of the session timeout in milliseconds
withTrackScreenViewEvents() Bool false true whether to auto-record screen view events
withTrackUserEngagementEvents() Bool false true whether to auto-record user engagement events
withTrackAppExceptionEvents() Bool false true whether to auto-record app exception events
withAuthCookie() String false -- your auth cookie for AWS application load balancer auth cookie

Configuration update

After initializing the SDK, you can use the following code to customize the configuration of the SDK.

import Clickstream

// config the sdk after initialize.
do {
    var configuration = try ClickstreamAnalytics.getClickstreamConfiguration()
    configuration.withAppId("your appId")
        .withAuthCookie("your authentication cookie")
} catch {
    print("Failed to config ClickstreamAnalytics: \(error)")
@import Clickstream;

// config the sdk after initialize.
ClickstreamConfiguration *configuration = [ClickstreamObjc getClickstreamConfigurationAndReturnError:&error];
configuration = [[[[[[[configuration withAppId:@"your appId"]

Debug events

You can follow the steps below to view the event raw JSON and debug your events.

  1. set the isLogEvents option with true in debug mode.
  2. Integrate the SDK and launch your app by Xcode, then open the log panel.
  3. Input EventRecorder to the filter, and you will see the JSON content of all events recorded by Clickstream Swift SDK.

Data format definition

Data type

Clickstream Swift SDK supports the following data types:

Data type Range Sample
Int -2147483648 ~ 2147483647 12
Int64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 ~ 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 26854775808
Double -2.22E-308 ~ 1.79E+308 3.14
Boolean true, false true
String max support 1024 characters "clickstream"

Naming rules

  1. The event name and attribute name cannot start with a number, and only contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, if the event name is invalid will throw precondition failure, if the attribute or user attribute name is invalid the attribute will be discarded and record error.

  2. Do not use _ as prefix to naming event name and attribute name, _ prefix is the reserved from Clickstream Analytics.

  3. The event name and attribute name are in case-sensitive, So the event Add_to_cart and add_to_cart will be recognized as two different event.

Event and Attribute Limitation

In order to improve the efficiency of querying and analysis, we need to limit events as follows:

Name Suggestion Hard limit Strategy Error code
Event name invalid -- -- discard event, print log and record _clickstream_error event 1001
Length of event name under 25 characters 50 characters discard event, print log and record _clickstream_error event 1002
Length of event attribute name under 25 characters 50 characters discard the attribute, print log and record error in event attribute 2001
Attribute name invalid -- -- discard the attribute, print log and record error in event attribute 2002
Length of event attribute value under 100 characters 1024 characters discard the attribute, print log and record error in event attribute 2003
Event attribute per event under 50 attributes 500 event attributes discard the attribute that exceed, print log and record error in event attribute 2004
Event attribute value is infinite (When Double or Decimal isFinite attribute is false) -- -- discard the attribute, print log and record error in event attribute 2005
User attribute number under 25 attributes 100 user attributes discard the attribute that exceed, print log and record _clickstream_error event 3001
Length of User attribute name under 25 characters 50 characters discard the attribute, print log and record _clickstream_error event 3002
User attribute name invalid -- -- discard the attribute, print log and record _clickstream_error event 3003
Length of User attribute value under 50 characters 256 characters discard the attribute, print log and record _clickstream_error event 3004
Item number in one event under 50 items 100 items discard the item, print log and record error in event attribute 4001
Length of item attribute value under 100 characters 256 characters discard the item, print log and record error in event attribute 4002
Custom item attribute number in one item under 10 custom attributes 10 custom attributes discard the item, print log and record error in event attribute 4003
Length of item attribute name under 25 characters 50 characters discard the item, print log and record error in event attribute 4004
Item attribute name invalid -- -- discard the item, print log and record error in event attribute 4005


  • The character limits are the same for single-width character languages (e.g., English) and double-width character languages (e.g., Chinese).
  • The limit of event attribute per event include preset attributes.
  • If the attribute or user attribute with the same name is added more than twice, the latest value will apply.
  • All errors that exceed the limit will be recorded _error_code and _error_message these two attribute in the event attributes.

Preset events

Automatically collected events

Event name Triggered Event Attributes
_first_open when the user launches an app the first time after installation
_session_start when a user first open the app or a user returns to the app after 30 minutes of inactivity period, Learn more 1. _session_id
2. _session_start_timestamp
_screen_view when new screen is opens, Learn more 1. _screen_name
2. _screen_id
3. _screen_unique_id
4. _previous_screen_name
5. _previous_screen_id
6. _previous_screen_unique_id
7. _entrances
8. _previous_timestamp
9. _engagement_time_msec
_user_engagement when user navigates away from current screen and the screen is in focus for at least one second, Learn more 1. _engagement_time_msec
_app_start every time the app goes to visible 1. _is_first_time(when it is the first _app_start event after the application starts, the value is true)
_app_end every time the app goes to invisible
_profile_set when the addUserAttributes() or setUserId() API is called
_app_exception when the app crashes 1. _exception_message
2. _exception_stack
_app_update when the app is updated to a new version and launched again 1. _previous_app_version
_os_update when device operating system is updated to a new version 1. _previous_os_version
_clickstream_error event_name is invalid or user attribute is invalid 1. _error_code
2. _error_message

Session definition

In Clickstream Swift SDK, we do not limit the total time of a session. As long as the time between the next entry of the app and the last exit time is within the allowable timeout period, the current session is considered to be continuous.

The _session_start event triggered when the app open for the first time, or the app was open to the foreground and the time between the last exit exceeded session_time_out period. The following are session-related attributes.

  1. _session_id: We calculate the session id by concatenating the last 8 characters of uniqueId and the current millisecond, for example: dc7a7a18-20230905-131926703.
  2. _session_duration : We calculate the session duration by minus the current event create timestamp and the session's _session_start_timestamp, this attribute will be added in every event during the session.
  3. _session_number : The auto increment number of session in current device, the initial value is 1
  4. Session timeout duration: By default is 30 minutes, which can be customized through the configuration update API.

Screen view definition

In Clickstream Swift SDK, we define the _screen_view as an event that records a user's browsing path of screen, when a screen transition started, the _screen_view event will be recorded when meet any of the following conditions:

  1. No screen was previously set.
  2. The new screen name differs from the previous screen title.
  3. The new screen id differ from the previous screen id.
  4. The new screen unique id differ from the previous screen unique id.

This event listens for UIViewController's onViewDidAppear lifecycle method to judgment the screen transition. In order to track screen browsing path, we use _previous_screen_name , _previous_screen_id and _previous_screen_unique_id to link the previous screen. In addition, there are some other attributes in screen view event.

  1. _screen_unique_id: We calculate the screen unique id by getting the current screen's hash value, for example: "5260751568".
  2. _entrances: The first screen view event in a session is 1, others is 0.
  3. _previous_timestamp: The timestamp of the previous _screen_view event.
  4. _engagement_time_msec: The previous page last engagement milliseconds.

When the app goes to the background for more than 30 minutes and then opened again, a new session will be generated, the previous screen information will be cleared, and a new screen view event will be sent.

User engagement definition

In Clickstream Swift SDK, we define the _user_engagement as an event that records the screen browsing time, and we only send this event when user leave the screen and the screen has focus for at least one second.

We define that users leave the screen in the following situations.

  1. When the user navigates to another screen.
  2. The user moves the app screen to the background.
  3. The user exit the app, or kill the process of app.

engagement_time_msec: We calculate the milliseconds from when a screen is visible to when the user leave the screen.

Event attributes

Sample event structure

    "app_id": "Shopping",
    "app_package_name": "",
    "app_title": "Shopping",
    "app_version": "1.0",
    "brand": "apple",
    "carrier": "UNKNOWN",
    "country_code": "US",
    "device_id": "A536A563-65BD-49BE-A6EC-6F3CE7AC8FBE",
    "device_unique_id": "",
    "event_id": "91DA4BBE-933F-4DFA-A489-8AEFBC7A06D8",
    "event_type": "add_to_cart",
    "locale": "en_US",
    "make": "apple",
    "model": "iPhone 14 Pro",
    "network_type": "WIFI",
    "os_version": "16.4",
    "platform": "iOS",
    "screen_height": 2556,
    "screen_width": 1179,
    "sdk_name": "aws-solution-clickstream-sdk",
    "sdk_version": "0.4.1",
    "system_language": "en",
    "timestamp": 1685082174195,
    "unique_id": "0E6614B7-2D2C-4774-AB2F-B0A9E6C3BFAC",
    "zone_offset": 28800000,
    "user": {
        "_user_city": {
            "set_timestamp": 1685006678437,
            "value": "Shanghai"
        "_user_first_touch_timestamp": {
            "set_timestamp": 1685006678434,
            "value": 1685006678432
        "_user_name": {
            "set_timestamp": 1685006678437,
            "value": "carl"
    "attributes": {
        "event_category": "recommended",
        "currency": "CNY",
        "_session_duration": 15349,
        "_session_id": "0E6614B7-20230526-062238846",
        "_session_number": 3,
        "_session_start_timestamp": 1685082158847,
        "_screen_name": "ProductDetailViewController",
        "_screen_unique_id": "5260751568"

All user attributes will be included in user object, and all custom and global attribute are stored in attributes object.

Common attribute

Attribute name Data type Description How to generate Usage and purpose
app_id String the app_id for your app app_id was generated by clickstream solution when you register an app to a data pipeline identify the events for your apps
unique_id String the unique id for user generated from UUID().uuidString when the sdk first initialization
it will be changed if user logout and then login to a new user. When user re-login to the previous user in same device, the unique_id will be reset to the same previous unique_id
the unique id to identity different users and associating the behavior of logged-in and not logged-in
device_id String the unique id for device generated fromUIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? UUID().uuidString
it will be changed after app reinstall
distinguish different devices
device_unique_id String the device advertising Id generated fromASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString ?? "" distinguish different devices
event_type String event name set by user or sdk. distinguish different events type
event_id String the unique id for event generated from UUID().uuidString when the event create. distinguish different events
timestamp Int64 event create timestamp generated from Date().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000 when event create data analysis needs
platform String the platform name for iOS device is always "iOS" data analysis needs
os_version String the iOS os version generated fromUIDevice.current.systemVersion data analysis needs
make String manufacturer of the device for iOS device is always "apple" data analysis needs
brand String brand of the device for iOS device is always "apple" data analysis needs
model String model of the device generated from mapping of device identifier data analysis needs
carrier String the device network operator name generated fromCTTelephonyNetworkInfo().serviceSubscriberCellularProviders?.first?.value
default is: "UNKNOWN"
data analysis needs
network_type String the current device network type "Mobile", "WIFI" or "UNKNOWN"
generate by NWPathMonitor
data analysis needs
screen_height int The absolute height of the available display size in pixels generated fromUIScreen.main.bounds.size.height * UIScreen.main.scale data analysis needs
screen_width int The absolute width of the available display size in pixels. generated fromUIScreen.main.bounds.size.width * UIScreen.main.scale data analysis needs
zone_offset int the device raw offset from GMT in milliseconds. generated fromTimeZone.current.secondsFromGMT()*1000 data analysis needs
locale String the default locale(language, country and variant) for this device generated from Locale.current data analysis needs
system_language String the device language code generated from Locale.current.languageCode
default is: "UNKNOWN"
data analysis needs
country_code String country/region code for this device generated from Locale.current.regionCode
default is: "UNKNOWN"
data analysis needs
sdk_version String clickstream sdk version generated fromPackageInfo.version data analysis needs
sdk_name String clickstream sdk name this will always be aws-solution-clickstream-sdk data analysis needs
app_version String the app version name generated from Bundle.main.infoDictionary["CFBundleShortVersionString"] ?? "" data analysis needs
app_package_name String the app package name generated fromBundle.main.infoDictionary["CFBundleIdentifier"] ?? "" data analysis needs
app_title String the app's display name generated from Bundle.main.infoDictionary["CFBundleName"] ?? "" data analysis needs

User attributes

attribute name description
_user_id Reserved for user id that is assigned by app
_user_ltv_revenue Reserved for user lifetime value
_user_ltv_currency Reserved for user lifetime value currency
_user_first_touch_timestamp Added to the user object for all events. The time (in milliseconds) at which the user first opened the app

Event attributes

Attribute name Data type Auto track Description
_traffic_source_source String false Reserved for traffic source source. Name of the network source that acquired the user when the event were reported. Example: Google, Facebook, Bing, Baidu
_traffic_source_medium String false Reserved for traffic source medium. Use this attribute to store the medium that acquired user when events were logged. Example: Email, Paid search, Search engine
_traffic_source_campaign String false Reserved for traffic source campaign. Use this attribute to store the campaign of your traffic source. Example: summer_sale, holiday_specials
_traffic_source_campaign_id String false Reserved for traffic source campaign id. Use this attribute to store the campaign id of your traffic source. Example: campaign_1, campaign_2
_traffic_source_term String false Reserved for traffic source term. Use this attribute to store the term of your traffic source. Example: running_shoes, fitness_tracker
_traffic_source_content String false Reserved for traffic source content. Use this attribute to store the content of your traffic source. Example: banner_ad_1, text_ad_2
_traffic_source_clid String false Reserved for traffic source clid. Use this attribute to store the clid of your traffic source. Example: amazon_ad_123, google_ad_456
_traffic_source_clid_platform String false Reserved for traffic source clid platform. Use this attribute to store the clid platform of your traffic source. Example: amazon_ads, google_ads
_app_install_channel String false Reserved for install source, it is the channel for app was downloaded
_session_id String true Added in all events.
_session_start_timestamp long true Added in all events.
_session_duration long true Added in all events.
_session_number int true Added in all events.
_screen_name String true Added in all events.
_screen_unique_id String true Added in all events.

Item attributes

Attribute name Data type Required Description
id string True The id of the item
name string False The name of the item
brand string False The brand of the item
currency string False The currency of the item
price number False The price of the item
quantity string False The quantity of the item
creative_name string False The creative name of the item
creative_slot string False The creative slot of the item
location_id string False The location id of the item
category string False The category of the item
category2 string False The category2 of the item
category3 string False The category3 of the item
category4 string False The category4 of the item
category5 string False The category5 of the item

You can use the above preset item attributes, of course, you can also add custom attributes to an item. In addition to the preset attributes, an item can add up to 10 custom attributes.

Change log

GitHub change log

Sample project

Sample iOS Project for SDK integration.

Source code

Project issue

API Documentation

ClickstreamObjc Api Reference