All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AsyncCallback Async io completion abstraction used by the native mqtt layer.AwsSigner Static class for a variety of AWS signing APIs.AwsSigningConfig A class representing configuration related to signing something "signable" (an http request, a body chunk, a stream event) via an AWS signing process.AwsSigningConfig.AwsSignatureType What sort of signature should be computed from the signable?AwsSigningConfig.AwsSignedBodyHeaderType Controls if signing adds a header containing the canonical request's body valueAwsSigningConfig.AwsSigningAlgorithm What version of the AWS signing process should we use.AwsSigningResult Wrapper that holds signing-related output.AwsSigningUtils Internal utility/testing functions for verifying sigv4a signatures.ByteBufferUtils Utility Class with Helper functions for working with ByteBuffersCachedCredentialsProvider A credentials provider that adds caching to another credentials provider via decorationCachedCredentialsProvider.CachedCredentialsProviderBuilder A simple builder class for a cached credentials provider and its optionsChecksumAlgorithm ChecksumConfig ChecksumConfig.ChecksumLocation ClientBootstrap This class wraps the aws_client_bootstrap from aws-c-io to provide a client context for all protocol stacks in the AWS Common Runtime.ClientConnection Wrapper around an event stream rpc client initiated connection.ClientConnectionContinuation Java wrapper for event-stream-rpc client continuation.ClientConnectionContinuationHandler Handler interface for responding to continuation events.ClientConnectionHandler Handler for EventStream ClientConnections.ClientTlsContext This class wraps the aws_tls_context from aws-c-io to provide access to TLS configuration contexts in the AWS Common Runtime.CognitoCredentialsProvider A class that wraps a credentials provider that sources session credentials from the AWS Cognito Identity service.CognitoCredentialsProvider.CognitoCredentialsProviderBuilder A builder class for the Cognito provider and its optionsCognitoCredentialsProvider.CognitoLoginTokenPair Pair of strings specifying an identity provider name and an associated login token.ConnAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 CONNACK packet.ConnAckPacket.ConnectReasonCode Server return code for connect attempts.ConnectPacket Data model of an MQTT5 CONNECT packet.ConnectPacket.ConnectPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a ConnectPacket.CRC32 CRT implementation of the Java Checksum interface for making CRC32 checksum calculationsCRC32C CRT implementation of the Java Checksum interface for making Crc32c checksum calculationsCRC64NVME CRT implementation of the Java Checksum interface for making CRC64NVME checksum calculationsCredentials A class representing a set of AWS credentials.CredentialsProvider A base class that represents a source of AWS credentialsCRT This class is responsible for loading the aws-crt-jni shared lib for the current platform out of aws-crt-java.jar.CRT.UnknownPlatformException Exception thrown when we can't detect what platform we're running on and thus can't figure out the native library name/path to load.CrtPlatform CrtResource This wraps a native pointer and/or one or more references to an AWS Common Runtime resource.CrtRuntimeException This exception will be thrown by any exceptional cases encountered within the JNI bindings to the AWS Common RuntimeDefaultChainCredentialsProvider A class that wraps the default AWS credentials provider chainDefaultChainCredentialsProvider.DefaultChainCredentialsProviderBuilder A simple builder class for the default credentials provider chain and its options Does not add reference to CRT resourcesDelegateCredentialsHandler Interface that synchronously provides custom credentials.DelegateCredentialsProvider A credentials provider that sources credentials from a custom synchronous callbackDelegateCredentialsProvider.DelegateCredentialsProviderBuilder A simple builder class for a delegate credentials provider and its optionsDirectoryEntry Supplied during calls to DirectoryTraversal.traverse() as each entry is encountered.DirectoryTraversal Deprecated. It is currently an EXPERIMENTAL feature meant for internal use only.DirectoryTraversalHandler Handler invoked during calls to DirectoryTraversal.traverse() as each entry is encountered.DisconnectPacket Data model of an MQTT5 DISCONNECT packet.DisconnectPacket.DisconnectPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a DisconnectPacket.DisconnectPacket.DisconnectReasonCode Reason code inside DisconnectPackets.EccKeyPair This class puts an opaque wrapper around aws_ecc_key_pair from aws-c-cal.EccKeyPair.AwsEccCurve Enum for supported ECC curves Needs to stay in sync with aws_ecc_curve_nameEcsCredentialsProvider A class that wraps a provider that gets credentials from an ECS service.EcsCredentialsProvider.Builder A builder for creating a custom ECS credentials provider.EventLoopGroup This class wraps the aws_event_loop_group from aws-c-io to provide access to an event loop for the MQTT protocol stack in the AWS Common Runtime.ExponentialBackoffRetryOptions Configuration options for the exponential backoff retry strategy for http requestsExponentialBackoffRetryOptions.JitterMode What kind of jitter or randomization to apply to the backoff time interval Event-stream header.HeaderType Java mirror of the native aws_event_stream_header_value_type enum, specifying properties of the type of a header's valueHostResolver Java wrapper around the native CRT host resolver, responsible for performing async dns lookupsHttp2ClientConnection This class wraps aws-c-http to provide the basic HTTP/2 request/response functionality via the AWS Common Runtime.Http2ClientConnection.Http2ErrorCode Http2ConnectionSetting Http2ConnectionSetting.ID Predefined settings identifiers (RFC-7540 6.5.2).Http2ConnectionSettingListBuilder Http2Request Represents a single Client Request to be sent on a HTTP connectionHttp2Stream An HttpStream represents a single HTTP/2 specific Http Request/Response.Http2StreamManager Manages a Pool of HTTP/2 Streams.Http2StreamManagerOptions Contains all the configuration options for a Http2StreamManager instanceHttpClientConnection This class wraps aws-c-http to provide the basic HTTP request/response functionality via the AWS Common Runtime.HttpClientConnectionManager Manages a Pool of Http ConnectionsHttpClientConnectionManagerOptions Contains all the configuration options for a HttpConnectionPoolManager instanceHttpException This exception will be thrown by any exceptional cases encountered within the JNI bindings to the AWS Common RuntimeHttpHeader A wrapper class for http header key-value pairsHttpHeaderBlock Type of header block.HttpManagerMetrics HttpMonitoringOptions This class provides access to basic http connection monitoring controls in lieu of the more traditional timeouts.HttpProxyEnvironmentVariableSetting This class provides access to Http proxy environment variable configuration settingHttpProxyEnvironmentVariableSetting.HttpProxyEnvironmentVariableType HttpProxyOptions This class provides access to Http proxy configuration optionsHttpProxyOptions.HttpProxyAuthorizationType what kind of authentication, if any, to use when connecting to a proxy serverHttpProxyOptions.HttpProxyConnectionType What kind of proxy connection to establishHttpRequest Represents a single Client Request to be sent on a HTTP connectionHttpRequestBase HttpRequestBodyStream Interface that Native code knows how to call when handling Http Request bodiesHttpStream An HttpStream represents a single HTTP/1.1 specific Http Request/Response.HttpStream.HttpStreamWriteChunkCompletionCallback Completion interface for writing chunks to an http streamHttpStreamBase An base class represents a single Http Request/Response for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 and wraps the native resources from the aws-c-http library.HttpStreamBaseResponseHandler Interface that Native code knows how to call when handling Http Responses Maps 1-1 to the Native Http API here: Holds tracing metrics for an HTTP stream.HttpStreamResponseHandler Interface that Native code knows how to call when handling Http Responses for HTTP/1.1 only.HttpVersion IncomingPublishEvent Log Static wrapper around native and crt logging.Log.LogLevel Enum that controls how detailed logging should be.Log.LogSubject Message Wrapper around an instance of aws-event-stream-message.MessageFlags Java mirror of the native aws_event_stream_rpc_message_flag enum, specifying rpc message-related flagsMessageFlushCallback Functor interface for receiving message flush events.MessageType Java mirror of the native aws_event_stream_rpc_message_type enum, specifying the type of rpc messageMqtt5Client This class wraps the aws-c-mqtt MQTT5 client to provide the basic MQTT5 pub/sub functionalities via the AWS Common Runtime One Mqtt5Client class creates one connection.Mqtt5ClientOperationStatistics Simple statistics about the current state of the client's queue of operationsMqtt5ClientOptions Configuration for the creation of Mqtt5ClientsMqtt5ClientOptions.ClientOfflineQueueBehavior Controls how disconnects affect the queued and in-progress operations tracked by the client.Mqtt5ClientOptions.ClientSessionBehavior Controls how the Mqtt5Client should behave with respect to MQTT sessions.Mqtt5ClientOptions.ExtendedValidationAndFlowControlOptions Additional controls for client behavior with respect to operation validation and flow control; these checks go beyond the MQTT5 spec to respect limits of specific MQTT brokers.Mqtt5ClientOptions.LifecycleEvents An interface that defines all of the functions the Mqtt5Client will call when it receives a lifecycle event.Mqtt5ClientOptions.Mqtt5ClientOptionsBuilder All of the options for a Mqtt5Client.Mqtt5ClientOptions.PublishEvents An interface that defines all of the publish functions the Mqtt5Client will call when it receives a publish packet.Mqtt5WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs Arguments to a websocket handshake transform operation.MqttClient This class wraps aws-c-mqtt to provide the basic MQTT pub/sub functionalities via the AWS Common Runtime One MqttClient class is needed per application.MqttClientConnection This class wraps aws-c-mqtt to provide the basic MQTT pub/sub functionality via the AWS Common Runtime MqttClientConnection represents a single connection from one MqttClient to an MQTT service endpointMqttClientConnectionEvents Interface used to receive connection events from the CRTMqttClientConnectionOperationStatistics Simple statistics about the current state of the connection's queue of operationsMqttConnectionConfig Encapsulates all per-mqtt-connection configurationMqttException This exception will be thrown by any exceptional cases encountered within the JNI bindings to the AWS Common RuntimeMqttMessage Represents a message to publish, or a message that was received.MqttRequestResponse Encapsulates a response to an AWS IoT Core MQTT-based service requestMqttRequestResponseClient A helper class for AWS service clients that use MQTT as the transport protocol.MqttRequestResponseClientOptions Class to configure an MQTT-based request response client.MqttRequestResponseClientOptions.MqttRequestResponseClientOptionsBuilder NegotiatedSettings MQTT behavior settings that are dynamically negotiated as part of the CONNECT/CONNACK exchange.OnAttemptingConnectReturn The data returned when AttemptingConnect is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.OnConnectionClosedReturn The data returned when the connection closed callback is invoked in a connection.OnConnectionFailureReturn The data returned when the connection failure callback is invoked in a connection.OnConnectionFailureReturn The data returned when OnConnectionFailure is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.OnConnectionSuccessReturn The data returned when the connection success callback is invoked in a connection.OnConnectionSuccessReturn The data returned when OnConnectionSuccess is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.OnDisconnectionReturn The data returned when OnDisconnect is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.OnStoppedReturn The data returned when OnStopped is invoked in the LifecycleEvents callback.OperationRoutingServerConnectionHandler ServerConnectionHandler implementation that routes continuations to specific operation specific message handlersPackageInfo Class that wraps version and package introspectionPackageInfo.Version Class representing the introspected semantic version of the CRT libraryPemUtils Utility Class used for Cleaning Up and Sanity Checking PEM formatted Strings for Validity.Pkcs11Lib Handle to a loaded PKCS#11 library.Pkcs11Lib.InitializeFinalizeBehavior Controls how Pkcs11Lib callsC_Initialize()
on the PKCS#11 library.Process Encapsulates Process information and manipulation of process level operations.ProfileCredentialsProvider A class that wraps a provider that gets credentials from profile files.ProfileCredentialsProvider.Builder A builder for creating a custom profile credentials provider.PubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 PUBACK packetPubAckPacket.PubAckReasonCode Reason code inside PubAckPackets that indicates the result of the associated PUBLISH request.PublishPacket Data model of an MQTT5 PUBLISH packetPublishPacket.PayloadFormatIndicator Optional property describing a PublishPacket payload's format.PublishPacket.PublishPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a PublishPacket.PublishResult The type of data returned after calling Publish on an Mqtt5Client.PublishResult.PublishResultType The type of data returned after calling Publish on an MQTT5 client.PublishReturn The data returned when a publish is made to a topic the MQTT5 client is subscribed to.QOS MQTT message delivery quality of service.QualityOfService Quality of Service associated with a publish action or subscription [MQTT-4.3].RequestResponseOperation Configuration options for an MQTT-based request-response operation.RequestResponseOperation.RequestResponseOperationBuilder Builder class for RequestResponseOperation instancesResponsePath A response path is a pair of values - MQTT topic and a JSON path - that describe how a response to an MQTT-based request may arrive.ResponsePath.ResponsePathBuilder Builder type for ResponsePath instancesResumeToken ResumeToken.PutResumeTokenBuilder S3Client S3ClientOptions S3ExpressCredentialsProperties S3ExpressCredentialsProvider The Java object for Native code to invoke.S3ExpressCredentialsProviderFactory S3ExpressCredentialsProviderHandler Interface to override the S3Express Credentials provider.S3FinishedResponseContext S3MetaRequest S3MetaRequestOptions S3MetaRequestOptions.MetaRequestType A Meta Request represents a group of generated requests that are being done on behalf of the original request.S3MetaRequestOptions.ResponseFileOption S3MetaRequestProgress Information about the meta request progress.S3MetaRequestResponseHandler Interface called by native code to provide S3MetaRequest responses.S3TcpKeepAliveOptions This class provides access to setting Tcp Keep Alive Options.ServerBootstrap This class wraps the aws_server_bootstrap from aws-c-io to provide a server context for all protocol stacks in the AWS Common Runtime.ServerConnection Wrapper around event-stream-rpc-server-connection.ServerConnectionContinuation Wrapper around aws-event-stream-rpc-server continuation.ServerConnectionContinuationHandler Handler interface for responding to continuation events.ServerConnectionHandler Handler for EventStream ServerConnections.ServerListener Event-stream-rpc server listener.ServerListenerHandler Handler interface for processing incoming event-stream-rpc connections and their lifetimes.ServerTlsContext This class wraps the aws_tls_context from aws-c-io to provide access to TLS configuration contexts in the AWS Common Runtime.SocketOptions This class wraps the aws_socket_options from aws-c-io to provide access to TCP/UDP socket configuration in the AWS Common Runtime.SocketOptions.SocketDomain Socket communications domainSocketOptions.SocketType Socket typeStandardRetryOptions Top-level configuration for http retries.StaticCredentialsProvider A class that wraps the a credentials provider that returns a fixed set of credentialsStaticCredentialsProvider.StaticCredentialsProviderBuilder A simple builder class for a static credentials provider and its optionsStreamingOperation An AWS MQTT service streaming operation.StreamingOperationOptions Configuration options for an MQTT-based streaming operation.StreamingOperationOptions.StreamingOperationOptionsBuilder StringUtils StsCredentialsProvider A class that wraps a provider that gets credentials from Security Token Service (STS).StsCredentialsProvider.Builder A builder for creating a sts credentials provider.StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider Sts with web identity credentials provider sources a set of temporary security credentials for users who have been authenticated in a mobile or web application with a web identity provider.StsWebIdentityCredentialsProvider.Builder A builder for creating an STS web identity credentials provider.SubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 SUBACK packet.SubAckPacket.SubAckReasonCode Reason code inside SubAckPacket payloads.SubscribePacket Data model of an MQTT5 SUBSCRIBE packet.SubscribePacket.RetainHandlingType Configures how retained messages should be handled when subscribing with a subscription that matches topics with associated retained messages.SubscribePacket.SubscribePacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a SubscribePacket.SubscribePacket.Subscription Configures a single subscription within a Subscribe operation See MQTT5 Subscription OptionsSubscriptionStatusEvent An event that describes a change in subscription status for a streaming operation.SubscriptionStatusEventType The type of change to the state of a streaming operation subscriptionSystemInfo Utility class for querying system hardware propertiesSystemInfo.CpuInfo TlsCipherPreference A TlsCipherPreference represents a hardcoded ordered list of TLS Ciphers to use when negotiating a TLS Connection.TlsConnectionOptions Connection-specific TLS options.TlsContext This class wraps the aws_tls_context from aws-c-io to provide access to TLS configuration contexts in the AWS Common Runtime.TlsContextCustomKeyOperationOptions Top level configuration for the custom TLS key operations.TlsContextOptions This class wraps the aws_tls_connection_options from aws-c-io to provide access to TLS configuration contexts in the AWS Common Runtime.TlsContextOptions.TlsVersions TlsContextPkcs11Options Options for TLS using a PKCS#11 library for private key operations.TlsHashAlgorithm The hash algorithm of a TLS private key operation.TlsKeyOperation A class containing a mutual TLS (mTLS) Private Key operation that needs to be performed.TlsKeyOperation.Type The type of TlsKeyOperation that needs to be performed by the TlsKeyOperationHandler interface.TlsKeyOperationHandler Interface for handling private key operations during the TLS handshake.TlsSignatureAlgorithm The signature of a TLS private key operation.TopicAliasingOptions Configuration for all client topic aliasing behavior.TopicAliasingOptions.InboundTopicAliasBehaviorType An enumeration that controls whether or not the client allows the broker to send publishes that use topic aliasing.TopicAliasingOptions.OutboundTopicAliasBehaviorType An enumeration that controls how the client applies topic aliasing to outbound publish packets.UnsubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 UNSUBACK packet.UnsubAckPacket.UnsubAckReasonCode Reason codes inside UnsubAckPacket payloads that specify the results for each topic filter in the associated UnsubscribePacket.UnsubscribePacket Data model of an MQTT5 UNSUBSCRIBE packet.UnsubscribePacket.UnsubscribePacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a UnsubscribePacket.Uri Wrapper around an http URIUserProperty A simple key-value pair struct to define a user property.WebsocketHandshakeTransformArgs Arguments to a websocket handshake transform operation.X509CredentialsProvider A class that wraps a credentials provider that sources session credentials from IoT's x509 credentials service.X509CredentialsProvider.X509CredentialsProviderBuilder A builder class for the 509 provider and its options