NetworkLoadBalancerListener: {
    alpnPolicy?: string;
    certificate?: string;
    name: string;
    port?: number;
    protocol?: string;
    sslPolicy?: string;
    targetGroup: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly alpnPolicy?: string

    Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) policy for TLS encrypted traffic

  • Optional Readonly certificate?: string

    ACM ARN of the certificate to be associated with the listener.

  • Readonly name: string

    Name for Listener.

  • Optional Readonly port?: number

    Port where the traffic is directed to.

  • Optional Readonly protocol?: string

    Protocol used for the traffic.

  • Optional Readonly sslPolicy?: string

    SSL policy for TLS encrypted traffic

  • Readonly targetGroup: string

    Target Group to direct the traffic to.

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