The Passthrough middleware acts, as its name implies, as a passthrough for document events. Its main purpose is to log document events and their associated metadata.
➡️ Logging Events
To use this middleware, you import it in your CDK stack and instantiate it as part of a pipeline.
As seen in the Events section, metadata associated with a document event can contain Pointers to other documents. You can configure the Passthrough middleware to resolve those pointers and log their value in CloudWatch logs for debugging purposes.
const passthrough = newPassthrough.Builder()
🏗️ Architecture
The Passthrough middleware executes within a Lambda compute, consumes input events, logs their information to AWS CloudWatch Logs and passes through the events to the next middlewares in the pipeline.
🏷️ Properties
Supported Inputs
Mime Type
The passthrough middleware can consume any type of document.
Supported Outputs
Mime Type
The passthrough middleware can produce any type of document.
Supported Compute Types
This middleware is based on a Lambda architecture.
📖 Examples
Delay Pipeline - An example showcasing how to delay a pipeline execution.