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Unstable API 0.7.0 @project-lakechain/scheduler-event-trigger TypeScript

The Scheduler trigger allows developers to schedule the execution of document processing pipelines on a recurring or one-time schedule.

🗓ī¸ One-time Schedules

To use this middleware as part of your pipeline, you have to import it in your CDK stack and specify a Schedule Expression that defines when to schedule the pipeline.

ℹī¸ In the below example, we schedule the pipeline to start in 24 hours.

import * as scheduler from '@aws-cdk/aws-scheduler-alpha';
import { SchedulerEventTrigger } from '@project-lakechain/scheduler-event-trigger';
import { CacheStorage } from '@project-lakechain/core';
* @returns a date object representing the date
* and time 24 hours from now.
const tomorrow = (): Date => {
const date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
return (date);
class Stack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {
// Create the Scheduler event trigger.
const trigger = new SchedulerEventTrigger.Builder()

🔖 Cron Expressions

You can also use cron expressions to define when to schedule a pipeline.

ℹī¸ In the below example, we schedule the pipeline to run at 8:00PM UTC every Monday through Friday.

const trigger = new SchedulerEventTrigger.Builder()
scheduler.ScheduleExpression.expression('cron(0 20 ? * MON-FRI *)')

⏰ Rate Expressions

Another way to create a recurring schedule is to use a rate expression.

ℹī¸ In the below example, we schedule the pipeline to run every 5 minutes.

const trigger = new SchedulerEventTrigger.Builder()

⚠ī¸ Important Note

This middleware does not act as a data source, but rather as a simple trigger because it does not yield any document by default. However, every middleware must provide a valid document that can be interpreted by the next middlewares.

To solve this issue, the Scheduler will send a placeholder document with the application/json+scheduler mime-type when the schedule is reached. This means that subsequent middlewares have to be explicitly configured to accept this mime-type, and know how to react when triggered by the scheduler.

Providing Documents

In some cases, it can be useful to provide input documents on a schedule. A common use-case for this is to create a recurrent pipeline that will fetch information from an external system on a regular basis.

The Scheduler API allows developers to pass an array of URIs identifying documents to use as an input for a scheduled pipeline using the withDocuments method.

ℹī¸ The below example will trigger the pipeline every 5 minutes, and create 2 different events for each document.

const trigger = new SchedulerEventTrigger.Builder()

When specifying documents, the scheduler will attempt to infer their mime-type automatically. In the previous example, the scheduler would send a document with a mime-type of text/html for the first document, and application/json for the second.

🏗ī¸ Architecture

The Scheduler trigger uses the AWS EventBridge Scheduler service to trigger a Lambda function. The Lambda function publishes the appropriate document to its output topic to be consumed by the next middleware in the pipeline.


🏷ī¸ Properties

Supported Inputs

This middleware does not accept any inputs from other middlewares.

Supported Outputs
Mime TypeDescription
VariantWhen specifying documents to the Scheduler, it will attempt to infer the mime-types associated with these documents. If no documents are specified, the Scheduler will send a placeholder document to the next middlewares having a mime-type of application/json+scheduler.
Supported Compute Types
CPUThis middleware is based on a Lambda architecture.

📖 Examples