SQS Trigger
The SQS trigger starts new pipeline executions using Amazon SQS queue(s) as a data source. This can be especially useful when you want to start a pipeline execution based on an event emitted by a third-party system.
💁 The events consumed by the SQS event trigger from the source queue(s) must be valid CloudEvents, otherwise they will be dismissed.
🗳️ Monitoring Queues
To use this middleware, you have to import it in your CDK stack and specify the SQS queue you want to monitor.
You can also pass multiple queues to the SQS event trigger.
🏗️ Architecture
The SQS trigger consumes messages from the monitored SQS queues. Messages are consumed by a Lambda function that checks whether input events are valid CloudEvents, and forwards them to the next middlewares in the pipeline.
🏷️ Properties
Supported Inputs
This middleware does not accept any inputs from other middlewares.
Supported Outputs
Mime Type | Description |
*/* | The SQS event trigger middleware can produce any type of document. |
Supported Compute Types
Type | Description |
CPU | This middleware is based on a Lambda architecture. |