This middleware is based on the KeyBERT keyword extraction and topic modeling library. It leverages the power of embedding models to identify the most significant keywords and topics in a text document, and to enrich the document metadata with them.
đˇī¸ Keyword Extraction
To use this middleware, you import it in your CDK stack and connect it to a data source that provides text documents, such as the S3 Trigger if your text documents are stored in S3.
import { KeybertTextProcessor } from '@project-lakechain/keybert-text-processor';import { CacheStorage } from '@project-lakechain/core';
class Stack extends cdk.Stack { constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) { // Sample VPC. const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'VPC', {});
// The cache storage. const cache = new CacheStorage(this, 'Cache');
// Create the KeyBERT text processor. const keybert = new KeybertTextProcessor.Builder() .withScope(this) .withIdentifier('Keybert') .withCacheStorage(cache) .withSource(source) // đ Specify a data source .withVpc(vpc) .build(); }}
Embedding Model
It is possible to customize the embedding model that KeyBERT is going to use to analyze input documents.
âšī¸ At this time, only models from the Sentence Transformers library are supported.
import { KeybertTextProcessor, KeybertEmbeddingModel } from '@project-lakechain/keybert-text-processor';
const keybert = new KeybertTextProcessor.Builder() .withScope(this) .withIdentifier('Keybert') .withCacheStorage(cache) .withSource(trigger) .withVpc(vpc) .withEmbeddingModel( KeybertEmbeddingModel.ALL_MPNET_BASE_V2 ) .build();
There are different options influencing how the KeyBERT library extracts topics from input documents that you can optionally customize.
const keybert = new KeybertTextProcessor.Builder() .withScope(this) .withIdentifier('Keybert') .withCacheStorage(cache) .withSource(trigger) .withVpc(vpc) // The maximum number of keywords to extract. .withTopN(5) // Sets whether to use the max sum algorithm. .withUseMaxSum(false) // Sets the diversity of the results between 0 and 1. .withDiversity(0.5) // Sets the number of candidates to consider if `useMaxSum` is // et to `true`. .withCandidates(20) .build();
đ Output
The KeyBERT text processor middleware does not modify or alter source documents in any way. It instead enriches the metadata of documents with a collection of topics extracted from their text.
đ Click to expand example
{ "specversion": "1.0", "id": "1780d5de-fd6f-4530-98d7-82ebee85ea39", "type": "document-created", "time": "2023-10-22T13:19:10.657Z", "data": { "chainId": "6ebf76e4-f70c-440c-98f9-3e3e7eb34c79", "source": { "url": "s3://bucket/text.txt", "type": "text/plain", "size": 24532, "etag": "1243cbd6cf145453c8b5519a2ada4779" }, "document": { "url": "s3://bucket/text.txt", "type": "text/plain", "size": 24532, "etag": "1243cbd6cf145453c8b5519a2ada4779" }, "metadata": { "keywords": ["ai", "machine learning", "nlp"] }, "callStack": [] }}
đī¸ Architecture
The KeyBERT middleware runs within a Lambda compute running the KeyBERT library packaged as a Docker container. The Lambda compute runs within a VPC, and caches KeyBERT embedding models on an EFS storage.
đˇī¸ Properties
Supported Inputs
Mime Type | Description |
text/plain | UTF-8 text documents. |
Supported Outputs
Mime Type | Description |
text/plain | UTF-8 text documents. |
Supported Compute Types
Type | Description |
CPU | This middleware only supports CPU compute. |
đ Examples
- Topic Modeling Pipeline - An example showcasing how to extract relevant topics from text documents.