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Unstable API 0.7.0 @project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter TypeScript

The PDF processor makes it possible to handle PDF documents, and convert them into different formats. This can be helpful when extracting the text substance of PDF documents to analyze them, create vector embeddings, or use them as input to other NLP models.

🖨️ Converting to Text

To use this middleware, you import it in your CDK stack and instantiate it as part of a pipeline.

💁 The below example takes PDF documents uploaded into a source S3 bucket, and converts them to plain text.

import { S3EventTrigger } from '@project-lakechain/s3-event-trigger';
import { PdfTextConverter } from '@project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter';
import { CacheStorage } from '@project-lakechain/core';
class Stack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {
const cache = new CacheStorage(this, 'Cache');
// Create the S3 event trigger.
const trigger = new S3EventTrigger.Builder()
// Convert uploaded PDF documents to plain text.
trigger.pipe(new PdfTextConverter.Builder()

Converting Documents

The PDF processor makes it possible to specify a specific task to be performed to the middleware. By default, as seen in the previous example, the PDF processor converts the entire document to plain text. However, you can specify a task to convert the document to a different format. Below is a table describing the supported output types for document level.

Output TypeDescription
textConvert the entire document to text.
imageConvert the entire document as a JPEG image.

💁 In the below example, we convert an entire PDF document as a stitched image containing all pages of the document.

import { PdfTextConverter, ExtractDocumentTask } from '@project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter';
const pdf = new PdfTextConverter.Builder()
.withTask(new ExtractDocumentTask.Builder()

Layout Detection

The ExtractDocumentTask supports layout detection to detect the number of tables and images present across the entire PDF document, these information are added as metadata to the output documents. To enable layout extraction, you use the withLayoutExtraction method.

import { PdfTextConverter, ExtractDocumentTask } from '@project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter';
const pdf = new PdfTextConverter.Builder()
.withTask(new ExtractDocumentTask.Builder()
.withLayoutExtraction(true) // 👈 Enable layout extraction

📄 Extracting Pages

In addition to being able to process an entire PDF document, the PDF processor can act on the page level, rather than on the entire document.

💁 In the below example we configure the PDF processor to extract each pages from the PDF document as a separate document, and forward each of them to the next middlewares in the pipeline.

import { PdfTextConverter, ExtractPagesTask } from '@project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter';
const pdf = new PdfTextConverter.Builder()
.withTask(new ExtractPagesTask.Builder()

By using the ExtractPagesTask, you can act on a page level and request the middleware to convert each pages to different formats. Below is a table describing the supported output types for each pages.

Output TypeDescription
pdfConvert each page to a PDF document.
textConvert each page to a plain text document.
imageConvert each page as a JPEG image.

Layout Detection

The ExtractPagesTask supports layout detection to detect the number of tables and images present in each page, these information are added as metadata to the output documents. To enable layout extraction, you use the withLayoutExtraction method.

import { PdfTextConverter, ExtractPagesTask } from '@project-lakechain/pdf-text-converter';
const pdf = new PdfTextConverter.Builder()
.withTask(new ExtractPagesTask.Builder()
.withLayoutExtraction(true) // 👈 Enable layout extraction

📝 Parsing Method

Converting the content of PDF documents into plain text is a difficult exercise as the PDF format has been initially designed to be a display format optimized for printing. Therefore, PDFs typically contain vector graphics and text is not stored in a linear fashion.

To optimize the results, the PDF text converter implements a 3-step parsing method that we document below.

PDF Parsing Method

The first step is to extract the raw text out of the document using the pdfminer.six library. We then clean the text to remove invalid lines, and run the entire document through Pandoc to leverage its document formatting capabilities.

🏗️ Architecture

This middleware is based on a Lambda compute running the pdfminer.six library and Pandoc packaged as a Lambda Docker container.

PDF Text Converter Architecture

🏷️ Properties

Supported Inputs
Mime TypeDescription
application/pdfPDF documents.
Supported Outputs
Mime TypeDescription
text/plainPlain text if output type is text.
image/jpegJPEG images if output type is image.
application/pdfPDF documents if output type is pdf.
Supported Compute Types
CPUThis middleware only supports CPU compute.

📖 Examples